"You're mine baby girl. No one else's."

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I put on a pink flowy dress and black pumps. I put my hair in a neat bun, but took a few strands out of it. I winged my eyeliner and put some mascara on. I was finished.
Giving one final glance at myself, I walked downstairs.
"Where are you going?" My mom asked. Shît.
"Oh, um, Luke is taking me out tonight." I lied.
"Ok, don't be out late."
I nodded and sat outside, not wanting my mom to see Harry.

To: Harry
Hey, I had to tell my mom I was going out with Luke...

From: Harry
Ok, so do you just not want me to come inside?

To: Harry
If that's ok

From: Harry
Of course it is, I'll see you in a few.

To: Harry

From: Harry

I smiled, turning my phone off and waited for his arrival.
I began playing games on my phone, when I heard his car.
I quickly stood up, brushing off the back of my dress, and got in his car.
"You look lovely." He complimented.
"Oh, thank you." I replied.
I pulled up to Rose's house, and saw her in a beautiful pink dress, making me wish I had changed. She looked so beautiful, I didn't want to take my eyes off her.
"You look lovely." I said.
"Oh, thank you." She replied, smiling.
I was taking her to Olive Garden, since that was her favorite restaurant and the breadsticks there we actually life.
"Where are you taking me?" She said, obviously knowing the route we were taking since it was so familiar.
"I don't know, where am I taking you?"
"Maybe, you're taking me to my favorite place on earth, but I could be wrong. You might be taking me to my second favorite place on earth."
"And what would that be, love?"
"Badabababa I'm loving it."
She was obviously making a joke I didn't understand.
I furrowed my eyebrows and she smiled.
She laughed. "It's nothing."
I nodded.
I pulled up to the Olive Garden parking lot and got out, running over to Rose's side, and opening her door for her.
She mumbled out a thank you and we walked inside.
Our waiter found us a seat and we sat down, looking at the menu.
I wanted what I usually got, the Pizzaiola Flatbread.
"I'll just get whatever you get, I've only been here twice, now being my second time." Harry said.
I giggled, mainly because that was the cutest fücking thing I'd ever seen.
Our waiter, who was a boy around my age with a blonde quiff on the top of his head and a strong jawline.
(A/N: I picture him as Ashton Butler.)
His name tag read Ashton.
Not going to lie, he was very attractive. Like, fück me against the wall attractive.
What was I thinking? Damnit. I was here with Harry.
He smirked at me as I gawked at him.
Harry glared at him angrily, and I coughed.
"Uhm, could I have the Pizzaiola Flatbread please?" I said.
He nodded scribbling my order down on a small piece of paper.
"I'll have the same as her." Harry said.
Ashton smiled, and right before walking away, he winked at me.
I blushed and turned a heavy shade of red.
"Are you ok?" I asked, after looking up to see a angry looking Harry.
"I'm great." He said in a sarcastic tone.
"I'm serious Harry. Tell me."
"You're mine baby girl. No one else's."
I gulped at his words and nodded.
Soon enough, Ashton came back with our orders.
I inhaled the heavenly scent and began devouring it.
I let out a moan, making Harry shift awkwardly in his seat.
We both finished in about an hour, since we talked a lot.
After fighting, Harry officially ended up paying.
"Fine, but I'm leaving the tip." I said.
"Do what you please, love." He said back.
I took out a pen from my small purse and scribbled my number onto the back of the 20 dollar bill, and flipped it around so Harry wouldn't see.
As we were about to leave, I told Harry I had to pee, but instead I went looking for Ashton.
I finally spotted him, cleaning up our table, and picking up the 20.
"Ashton!" I called.
He turned around confused, and smiled once he saw me.
"My number is on the back of that 20, you should text me." I said, as smoothly as I could since I was out of breath from running that what, 2 second run?
"Oh, yeah. Most definitely."
I smiled, and ran back to Harry.
Wow I'd never felt more like a 2 timing bïtch.
"Back to my place?" Harry asked once I got in.
"I can't, prom is in a few days and I have to get to school at 6 to help decorate wherever the prom party will be held at." I spoke, not adding the part that Luke would be spending the night.
He dropped me at my place and I said goodbye, giving him a quick kiss.
"Where's Luke?" My mom asked as I walked into the house.
"Oh, he has to run back home and get his clothes. He'll be here any minute." I said.
She nodded and I ran up to my room to call Luke.
"Hello?" He said on the other end.
"If my mom asks you about our date that we didn't have, tell her you took me to Olive Garden and we had a really good time."
"Please, Luke."
"I guess, we didn't go on a date though?"
"I know, I went out with Mr. Styles so he could help me with a project." I lied.
"Oh, ok, yeah I'll say that. Why can't she know about him tutoring you?"
"She doesn't really like him."
"Oh, ok. I'll be there in about 10 minutes."
"Ok, see you then, thank you so much."
"No problem."
He then hung up and I got changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top.
10 minutes later someone knocked on the door, and I went downstairs to open it.
I was greeted by a smiling Luke.
I pulled him into a hug, and just as I assumed, my mom asked about the date.
"It was really fun, I took her to Olive Garden and we got ice cream after." He lied.
"Nice, thanks for having her back at a reasonable hour." She replied kindly.
"No problem, thanks for having me over."
My mom smiled, nodding as we went upstairs.
"Thanks." I said, sitting down on my bed.
"No problem, wanna go up on the roof?" He asked.
I nodded, running into my closet and pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a sleeveless shirt that said "The Beattles" and the British flag behind it.
We went onto the roof and watched he sun set.
"This is so beautiful." I said.
"Just like my gorgeous prom date." Luke said, grabbing hold of my hand.
I blushed, looking anywhere but him.
"Thanks." I mumbled out.
"You're so, I don't even know how to describe it. Perfect would be an understatement." He said.
This time, I turned to face him.
"Do you really mean that?" I asked.
"Of course I do."
I smiled as he leaned in, and to my surprise, I didn't pull away.
Our lips touched as his hands caressed my cheeks.
We slowly got off the roof and I think you know what happens next. Thank god for soundproof walls.
He began taking off my clothing, and left wet kisses down my bare torso.
"So beautiful." He said.
He began undoing my pants, but before he could do anything, I ran to my door and locked it.
He smirked at went back to what he was doing.
He slipped off my pants and took off his clothes soon after, and spread my legs apart.
He knelt down and began kissing my thighs, avoiding where I needed him most.
"Please Luke." I pleaded.
He saw the need in me in began kissing and sucking on my clit.
I moaned out in pleasure as he continued his actions.
"I-I'm going to come!" I squealed out as be began moving his lips faster and sucked harder.
I rode out my high, letting out a loud moan.
"Rose! Luke! Dinner is ready!" My mom called.
I had already eaten, but I was hungry again of course.
But that wasn't the bad part. The bad part was I was falling for Luke.




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