6. Treadmills & Touching (Spencer's POV)

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I walk into The Coffee Shop for the first time in two weeks and Patience looks surprised.

"Hey, stranger!" She comments. "Long time, no see."

"Workouts and a whole lot of chilling," I answer and she laughs.

"Don't give me that. I know why you haven't been around." She says. "Chris told me you've been screwing their intern. And I'm telling you now, you better not get that hoe pregnant."

I laugh. "Chris got it all wrong. I'm not screwing the intern. I'm just chilling right now."

I sit down on the barstool and a few fans ask for a picture as Patience gets my coffee and muffin.

"Are you sick?" She asks as they clear out and she lays her hand on my forehead jokingly.

"No, but if you don't get your nasty hands off my face, I might break out." I say playfully and she tosses a hand towel towards my head.

"Anyway, if not the intern, what girl has you sipping out on free coffee and food these days?" She follows and I shrug my shoulders with a coy smile.

"I mean, I sort of been seeing things a little differently these past two weeks. And I kind of like the way things are going for me." I tell her without sharing too much.

Her face scrunched in confusion. "What the hell does that even mean? I've been seeing differently. I like this and I like that!"

I laugh at how she mocks my words and adds a whole lot of sass to show her disapproval of my answer.

"I'm just chilling, P!" I tell her plainly.

"So you are definitely seeing someone!" She confirms as her eyes grow more and more curious. "So please tell me the name of the woman that has you talking in riddles to someone who has known you for over twenty years!"

I laugh because I can tell she's not going to give up until I tell her. "You know what? I never did understand why Mrs. Roberts didn't name you Persistence instead of Patience."

She frowns and gives me the finger, making me laugh loudly as she threatens to take my free coffee and food away from me.

"Tell me or you leave here hungry and thirsty," she says sternly and I laugh.

"Do you forget my network?" I question playfully in between a few more giggles.

"Answer my question, Spencer— Alonso— James!"

"Okay, okay! But I'm going to need another muffin though." I tell her and she quickly gives me another before listening closely. "I don't want to jinx this shit. So try not to open your big ass mouth. —-Me and Olivia have been getting to know each other these past two weeks."

"Quit lying!" She tells me in disbelief and I shrug reassuringly. "Olivia? As in Olivia 'the author' Baker? The one you dissed on HBO?"

"That's been water under the bridge since she and I met, P! I'm for real! I like her! I like her a lot!"

"Thats good and all! And I swear I hope this doesn't happen! But do you realize you could easily be the next character in her book if you fuck this up?" She asks and that's not the reaction I was expecting from her.

"See that's the thing, it's no pressure with her. We're just vibing."

"So you two haven't had sex yet?" She asks as she sits across from me. "Because you know how get with these women after they give it up! You get really bored and uninterested!"

 "Because you know how get with these women after they give it up! You get really bored and uninterested!"

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