9. UNO OUT (Olivia's POV)

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I look at my phone and stare at the most recent status of my furniture order —- it says 'delivered'.  And it's been this way for the past hour.

"I thought he would call by now," I whisper to myself before signing more books for tomorrow's giveaway.

"Girl, you have been looking at that phone more than a drug dealer today." Layla jokes as she passes me another book. "He's probably working out or something. But why does it even matter. You said he didn't care about the date. That means he probably doesn't care about whatever it is you thought y'all had."

I put up a stop sign with my hand. "You don't know him, Layla."

"And obviously you don't either, Olivia. C'mon, this is honestly laughable at this point." She slurs. "Just a month ago, this guy publicly insulted your best work and here you are moping around because he hasn't cared to call you."

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. "How about you just do your job and leave my relationship out of your mouth?"

"Relationship is a bit of a stretch, Liv!"

"Seriously, Lay! I'm not here for your snarky ass remarks." I warn her.

"Do you forget I've been there for damn near every chapter you ever wrote in this book? Particularly the ones about the terrible choices you made with, trifling ass, men you thought cared about you!" She voices. "Liv, Spencer is just another guy, another chapter. Let's write about it and sell it!"

"You know what? I'm actually really glad you brought that up! You definitely have been around through a lot of my bad decisions. And I'm starting to realize that's the problem I have with you!" I tell her and she looks at me confused. "You've been around way too long to be this careless with my brand and my heart."

"Stop, Liv! We're both just anxious about this tour

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"Stop, Liv! We're both just anxious about this tour."

"——- the whole deal you made with my ex-boyfriend. That's a problem in my life that you created. I was fine with never seeing him again. But you made a decision for me. And that's not cool."

"Liv, stop being a diva. We've made plenty of choices together. Don't blame this all on me." She says. "And no one told you to listen to Kia's shitty advice anyway. Remember, I'm the one that suggested you tell Spencer the truth! You chose to beat around the bush because that's what you always do."

"You're right! I'm not blaming you for what happened between me and Spencer, last night. I made the choice to say what I said to him. And I've regretted ever since. But I won't get these next couple of decisions, I make, wrong—-"

"Liv, please don't do or say anything you'll regret later. Let's just drop it and get this stuff done. You'll feel better in the morning."

"Starting tonight, I'm doing this without you," I say as I close the book and she shakes her head no. "Either you go or I go, Layla! And you don't get paid if I go. So I know you know what to do!"

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