10. Show Me Love (Spencer's POV)

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After the dining table was delivered to my place, I knew I had to see Olivia as soon as possible. I needed her to know that I didn't want her to go on that date with her ex. And more, importantly, I needed her to know that I'm madly in love with her.

So I booked the first flight out of LAX, without a working phone and a clue to where Olivia was staying in New York. But Cupid must've been on my side because I happened to be seated next to Liv's friend, Nathaniel, who was also flying to New York to see her.

We had a long conversation about Olivia. And he filled me in on what went down with her and Layla. He also told me Layla's the real reason she even had a date with her ex, in the first place.

And in the midst of our conversation, we came up with this morning's plan for me to surprise Olivia.


A couple of hours after her book signing, Olivia and I are back in her hotel room with a whole lot to talk about. 

"Okay, kids! Don't wait up for me tonight! Papa has a hot date!" Nate says as he places his suit case in the back and shuffles out of the hotel room.

I laugh and so does Liv, before we both realize we're finally alone.

She reaches to kiss me and I gladly accept.

I moan in between her lips, making her giggle as her hand caresses my cheek.

Eventually she stops me with her hands resting against my chest and I back away.

"I called you all night long, Spencer!" She says softly and I knew the real conversation had to happen sooner or later.

"My phone was sort of involved in an accident," I answer as I think about Madison's Chinese food damaging my iPhone.

"What do you mean?" She asks curiously. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah! I'm fine." I say before getting enough nerve to tell the story. "Last night, Madison came by unexpectedly."

"Really?" She asks with a disgusted look on her face.

"Orlando told her to. But nothing happened. As a matter of fact, I told her to leave and she got upset with me. She tossed her plate of Chinese food to the kitchen floor. And unfortunately, my phone got destroyed along with the plate." I explain and I can tell she's still a little uncertain.

"So she just showed up to your place ready for 'good sex' and you told her no?" She asks with a side of sarcastic air quotes.

I shake my head yes and she sighs. "I didn't want that girl before. And I damn sure didn't want her the other night. The only person I want is you, Olivia."

Tears start to run down her cheeks at my admission and I don't hesitate to kiss them away.

"But I need to know something too. Do you still plan on seeing your ex?" I ask as I internally pray the answer is no.

"Hell no! And I never wanted to see him, Spencer. None of that was my idea, baby! I just—- I just wasn't sure how to ask you what I truly needed to know. So I played a very dangerous game with your heart that I promise to never play again." She admits and my heart starts to beat normally again.

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