5. Just A Week Ago (Olivia's POV)

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When I walk into the restaurant, it's a small crowd. But the host seems to know exactly who I am.

"Ms. Baker?" He questions and I smile politely. "Right this way, please."

I follow a few steps behind. And he takes me into a secluded area where I see Spencer sitting in all black.

I instantly notice how handsome he looks in his Fendi collard shirts and ridiculously large diamond chain. But not even his shiny watch could distract me from noticing the sparkle in his eyes when he sees me walk into the room.

"Olivia, you look beautiful tonight." He says as he stands to greet me. "Did you have a hard time getting here?"

I shake my head no as he pulls out my chair. "Thank you. And you look nice as well. We sort of match."

"I was just hoping I could keep up with you tonight. Especially after how much you've bragged about your sense of style this past week on the phone." He says and I laugh.

"Did I lie?" I ask and he takes a second look at me as he sits down. And with a cheesy grin, he shakes his head no.

"To tell you the truth, you could've walked in here with a table cloth on and I would've been happy

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"To tell you the truth, you could've walked in here with a table cloth on and I would've been happy." He tells me and I smile. "You would still be beautiful to me."

I try not to blush, but I can't help it.

"I think I could actually pull off my table cloth though," I say playfully.

"Honestly, I'm just really happy you decided to call me."

"I mean, I sort of couldn't ignore that 3AM DM you sent me last week," I say as I think about the Twitter message he sent me after the night we seen each other at the club.

He suggested I call him. I was hesitant at first, but I decided to call him the next day. And we haven't gone a day without talking to one another since.

"Can you believe we were enemies just a week ago?" He asks and I can't help but to laugh.

"Can I interest you two in a drink?" The waiter interrupts and I order wine.

"I'll take a water please," Spencer answers.

"So I know we talked about this over the phone the other day, but I can't believe you've never had a big boy drink before. Is it like an athlete thing? Because I have an athlete for a brother and he totally missed that memo." I joke and he looks at me confused.

"You never told me you had a brother," he says as I notice him avoid my question.

"A twin, actually." I answer. "He's currently playing basketball overseas and my guess is that he still drinks like a fish."

He laughs. "Have you ever seen him play over there?"

"Strangely enough, I've never even been out of the country before." I answer truthfully and he looks at me even more confused.

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