7. Business As Usual (Olivia's POV)

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"Five cities and four states for the next two weeks," Layla says excitedly as a list of places projects on the screen in her downtown office. "And the best part is, we don't have to wait. Your first appearance is in two days. So pack ya bags, baby, we're going to the east coast."

Kia claps and Layla pops champagne.

"Just like we drew it up, Liv!" Kia shouts excitedly. "And soon we will be doing this book tour in other countries."

"Are you ready for Rochester, New York City, Houston, Chicago, and Seattle?" Layla questions and I smile knowing this is a great opportunity to promote my book. "Also, I sort of had to make a little deal to get the NYC slot, so please don't be mad."

"What type of deal?" I ask curiously.

Layla side eyes Kia and they both have a look of guilt.

"Well, you know Rome is the general manager at the Barnes & Noble in downtown Manhattan."

"Yeah, so what?" I ask seriously.

"I reached out to him for the book event. And he hooked it up. You're guaranteed a front display table. He also gave max promotion for a one hour book signing. And there will be a live podcast for 30 minutes. I know you heard of Shay's book club on Spotify and YouTube. This is the perfect opportunity for you and the best selling book in America." Layla explains.

I'm still very confused. "What's the deal though?"

Kia kisses her teeth. "She promised Rome you would go out with him on a date while you're in town in exchange for all of that."

I immediately shake my head no. Layla, of all people, should know why this is not okay.

"It was a great deal, Liv. I wouldn't have made it, if it wasn't absolutely necessary for your book." Layla explains.

Rome and I have a long history of great looking photos, a few lustful moments, and a sprinkle of fun. But we weren't good for each other. Not to mention, a date with him could be disastrous to what I am building with Spencer right now.

"Are you kidding me? No! No! We can't possibly take this deal. Hell no!" I insist and Layla isn't moved one bit.

"Too late! Everything is set up already, Liv!" She tells me. "Besides, what is the big deal with two single ass people going out to eat?"

"Because—- I'm no—- well—- I might be onto something with—— It doesn't matter because I said no!" I say sternly and she frowns.

"You came to me last spring saying you're all in and you want real notoriety for your work. Well, this is it. You get one of the biggest platforms in New York City. Don't let this slip because your harmless ex wants to buy you some food." She combats and I sigh in frustration because I never told them I was seeing Spencer.

And I really don't know what to tell them. I mean, we're not a couple. Or at least I don't think we are. I mean, we just talk on the phone and go out on dates. And now that we're intimate, it makes things even more complicated.

"Yall don't understand. I've moved on. I have something good going and I don't think it's worth blowing on a pitty date with Rome." I tell them and Kia looks at me in shock.

"Wait, you're in a relationship and didn't tell your best friend?" She asks. "Please tell me you did not tell Nate before me!"

"I haven't told anyone—anything!" I admit. "I don't know—- I don't know what to call what he and I have, but it feels really good between us. And with Rome it is the exact opposite."

"I'm not asking you to fuck Rome. I'm asking you to smile a little while he pays for dinner, Liv!" Layla says and I sigh.

"Who is this guy? Or did you finally just give up and go with a girl this time?" Kia asks and Layla folds her arms, annoyed by my apprehension.

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