3. Books & Looks

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Olivia arrives to the coffee shop with a line wrapped around the block.

"Who are all of these people here to see?" She asks and Nathaniel laughs as they get out of the car to the sound of loud cheers and a sea of warm smiles.

"You're the it girl," he whispers as they're both greeted by the owner.

"Hi Olivia! I'm the one that reached out for you to hold your book signing here. I absolutely loved the book."

She smiles as they embrace. "Patience, right? Thanks for having me, beautiful."

"Aww— look at you all blown up!" Nathaniel says as he points out the large cardboard cutout of his friend.

"The decoration credit goes to your wonderful publicist, Layla. As a matter of fact, I've enjoyed working with your entire team." Patience adds as Olivia takes a look at the words from her book flashing across the screen behind the counter. "And we have the Olivia Chai Tea on sale. It's our special for the day."

Nathaniel looks at the menu and smiles before quickly frowning. "The Spencer James combo? Hmm... cute!"

His sass is apparent as he sets down the menu and Patience forces an uncertain smile.

"He's actually a co-owner of this store. And as his best friend, I have to tell you that he's not as much of a jerk as he sounded on The Shop yesterday. I mean, the way television works, I'm sure it was edited to appear like something it wasn't."

Olivia smiles and shakes her head. "Please, don't apologize. A difference in opinion is healthy."

Her words allow Patience to breathe a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad you said that. Because I don't want this experience unenjoyable for you at all. And just know that he and I don't share the same views. In fact, I was hoping to be the first book that was signed by you today. And a little picture for the coffee shop's IG page, if you don't mind."

"Sure," Olivia replies, willingly, before signing the book and leaving a personal message for Patience. They seal the moment with a picture before the signing officially starts.


About twenty-five minutes later, Olivia is laser focused on giving autographs to her supporters before noticing the attention shifts from her to the side door.

"Is that him?" Nathaniel whispers to Olivia as she pretends not to see Spencer James walk through the door. "He's fine on tv, but he's much cuter in person."

"Get away," Olivia pushes her words between her teeth and Nathaniel chuckles.

Meanwhile, Patience meets Spencer at the door and uses her eyes to move him out of sight.

"I thought I made it very clear that you are not welcomed here today," she whispers. And Spencer doesn't seem to care as he smiles in Olivia's direction.

 And Spencer doesn't seem to care as he smiles in Olivia's direction

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