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A:n i am so sorry it took me so long to re-upload Nsfw Eruri Week I've been sick and dealing with snow where I live putting me in a shitty mood anyways my babes welcome back your fav story hello fucker. Ps. Thank the fucking lord I had this story saved.


"What the fuck is that?"

Levi's referring to the thick leather strap on the desk. Erwin is staring at him with a passive face while his own eyes refuse to leave the item. He's fixated on the dark, natural looking leather with a simple silver clasp.

A silence, then.

"Do you trust me, Levi?"

"Don't answer my question with another fucking question. What the fuck is that , Erwin?"

"A collar. I want you to wear it."

That knocks the air right from his lungs and his eyes finally come to rest on Erwin's. They're the eyes Erwin has when he knows what he wants - unashamed, ruthless. It sends a shiver up Levi's spine. He glances back down at the collar and audibly gulps.

Erwin had made his fantasies quite clear in the past once they were at that level of comfort - straps, gags, anything to restrain Levi and Erwin was for it. Levi didn't mind, of course. He'd never agree to something he wasn't comfortable with and it turned out, he was more than comfortable being tied up, held down and fucked within a beat of insanity. He now begins to think that maybe he doesn't really care what circumstance it comes under, as long as the outcome is Erwin's massive cock pounding into him.

"N-now?" Levi asks.

Erwin nods once, his patient and unnerving exterior not faltering once. Levi hesitates when he reaches out for the collar and tries to hide how nervous he is by grabbing the strap of leather and eyeing it warily.

"Do you trust me?" Erwin asks again. This time, however, his voice has softened.

"Of course." Levi replies.

He gives Erwin a challenging glare. He does trust Erwin, and it's not like he hasn't had leather straps on his bare skin before, but there's something about this that settles heavy in Levi's stomach.

Ownership .

Many times Levi has told Erwin he belongs to him and him alone - always while face down, ass up - but this is a solid admission. This is physical and he knows it means something much deeper than just wearing a piece of leather.

"Strip." Erwin commands. He's standing opposite Levi, hands behind his back and he's waiting.

Levi places the collar back on the desk and gets to work on his uniform. He rushes a bit, though he'd never admit it, because he doesn't want to seem too eager about this new found fetish that Erwin has discovered. Although, it's no secret between them that Levi will do anything for Erwin's cock.

Now, he's standing in the center of the room, naked, aroused and waiting. Erwin takes a moment to admire him with those cool, cobalt eyes before he's reaching for the collar and standing behind Levi. The cool leather brushes over his flesh as Erwin wraps it around his neck, the buckles clinking together momentarily in the silence of the room.

The collar is surprisingly soft against his skin and not at all how he thought it would feel. He imagined it would be coarse and rough, biting into his skin like the 3DM gear. This is... pleasant, he thinks. And the way Erwin is looking at him makes him squirm - he's staring so intensely and his eyes are raking over every inch of Levi's body with something unreadable behind them. He doesn't know what to think or feel until Erwin speaks.

NSFW Eruri Week 2022(Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now