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Erwin's staring at himself in the mirror and has been for the most part of five minutes. He turns slightly, checking how the suit makes him look from the side. He frowns; not fantastic but he supposes it'll do.

"I said wear the black one." Levi says from the doorway to their bedroom.

Erwin spots him in the reflection and smiles.

"Of course you'd say that. You don't own any other color."

Levi waves his hand and pushes away from the door frame. "You like me in black."

Erwin watches him stalk forward until he's stood next to him, eyeing him up like a meal.

"Are you sure you have to go?" Levi asks and runs his fingers down Erwin's silk tie. He reminds Erwin of a siren stalking its prey.

"It's Nile's promotion party, of course I have to go." Erwin turns back to the mirror and adjusts his tie. "Him and Marie are expecting me."

Levi clicks his tongue. " Marie. Of course."

"She's a married woman, Levi." Erwin reminds him. "And I'm a married man."

Levi rolls his eyes. "I've seen the way she looks at you."

"Oh? And how does she look at me?" Erwin asks with a smirk. Levi's glaring at his reflection.

"How I look at you." Levi snaps and crosses his arms.

Erwin finally turns around, smirking at his lover. He's the jealous kind but it never comes out of a place of malice, only protection. Regardless, it's cute.

"I'll only be there for an hour." Erwin says and picks up his jacket. He leans down, giving Levi a kiss on the cheek. "Don't wait up for me."

Levi mutters a goodbye and disappears into the en-suit, presumably to get ready for bed.

Erwin checks his pockets to make sure he has everything before leaving the apartment. He gets to his car when he realises his keys aren't in his jacket, which is where he placed them specifically so he wouldn't forget them. Sighing, he treks back up the four flights of stairs back to the apartment.

"Have you seen my car keys?" Erwin shouts from the lounge. He's pulling cushions off the couch when he hears Levi's muffled ' no. '

Erwin sighs again, looking around the lounge, down the side of the couch, under the chairs, behind the curtains, in the flower pots. He rubs his eyes and checks his watch.

"Levi, I'm going to be late, are you sure you haven't seen my keys?" Erwin calls from the lounge. He's faced with silence and raises a brow. "Levi?"

Still nothing. Their apartment isn't that big that Levi couldn't hear him, surely. He frowns, checks his watch again and accepts that he's going to be late. He doesn't really want to go but it's a courtesy thing, he supposes.

The door to the bedroom is ajar when he approaches and he pushes it open further, certainly not expecting to see Levi, face down, back arched, ass up on the bed in nothing but a black babydoll and lacy thong. In his mouth, between his teeth, are Erwin's car keys.

Erwin's mouth goes dry. He opens it to speak but closes it again, suddenly feeling the need to swallow. Levi's looking at him in the reflection of the mirror with a positively menacing look on his face, as if he knows exactly what he's doing to Erwin.

"Found them." Levi says, pulling the keys from his teeth and holding them out for Erwin. He shifts, moving his ass and Erwin can't take his eyes away.

"You evil, evil little man." Erwin shakes his head and darts forward, snatching the keys from Levi's hand and throwing them to the floor.

NSFW Eruri Week 2022(Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now