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They've spoken about it once or twice, casually over a movie that wasn't all that interesting. He doesn't really remember when it came up-

Oh. Right. They were laughing over the sad excuse for bondage in Fifty Shades of Grey-

But he does remember the look in Erwin's eyes when he saw the box containing his birthday present. It was something Levi had never seen before in their year and a half of dating, like a flash of darkness, arousal, surprise all mixed into one. Levi had tucked the box under the bed and smirked, reminding Erwin his birthday wasn't for another week. That look, though, didn't fade and each day that neared Erwin's birthday, Levi could feel the sexual tension between them getting thicker and thicker.

Their sex life wasn't entirely vanilla before Erwin had given Levi an educated lesson on bondage that one night. Levi liked to think they were a little kinky, only with minor things like spanking here and there, maybe some daddy stuff - because they both had daddy issues apparently - but mostly it was typical love making. Erwin liked intimacy, touching, saying 'I love you'. He also liked being held down, spanked and Levi to ride his dick until he's crying out.

This shit is different though. This is a boundary they've never crossed and after Erwin had opened Levi's eyes into the topic, Levi gave it a few days before asking him how he knew so much about it. That's when Erwin told him he had a bondage fetish, but if Levi wasn't comfortable with it, he could live without it.

Levi purchased the kit the very next day.

And when the day finally comes, two days before Erwin's birthday, Levi feigns illness to leave work an hour earlier and rushes home to prepare for Erwin's birthday.

Normal people have a cake, maybe a balloon or two. Levi has a bondage kit and has been working on tying ropes properly and safely for a month straight in the middle of the night. He's not the kind of person to enjoy this shit but if it's gonna get Erwin off, he'll sure as hell try it. And some of the videos he's seen... Well, he hasn't not jacked off to a few.

The kit is set up on the bed, complete with a few extra things that Levi picked out. Levi looks over everything with a newfound joy, excited to see Erwin's dumb face light up.

Levi shifts on his feet, feeling the extra toy he bought nudge his prostate and he tenses. He's sure Erwin will like it, and he's no stranger to plugs, enjoying them himself, but he hasn't worn one in years since he was with an exclusively kinky ex. He never saw the need when Erwin's cock was big enough to stretch him for fucking days.

The lock on the apartment door clicks, indicating that Erwin's home and he holds back a smile. If he really wants to give Erwin a good experience, he has to be serious about it.

"Levi, I'm back." Erwin calls from the hall.

Levi waits patiently, standing in front of the bed with his arms crossed until Erwin walks into the room with a frown. That frown then dissipates and both eyebrows are high on his face when his eyes wander from the bed and all of the items on it and back to Levi.


"Get in here and strip." Levi says.

Erwin blinks in surprise before throwing his jacket on the floor. Levi tries not to think too much about that and just focuses on watching Erwin completely undress for him. Fuck, he loves his body. From the massive fucking shoulders down to his thick, muscley thighs had smack against Levi's own when he rides that huge dick that hangs between said thighs.

"You too." Erwin says and Levi raises a brow.

He would've argued at the presumption that he's also supposed to strip but looking at Erwin completely naked is getting him too fucking horny to think straight, so he loses his clothes in the same pile as Erwin's and suddenly arms wrap around his waist and he's being kissed. It's heated and wet and Levi can't keep his tongue out of Erwin's mouth, not even when he feels a rock hard cock digging into his abdomen.

NSFW Eruri Week 2022(Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now