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A:n Oh yea, it's softcore for once my ladies, gents and non-binary friends.


A hand smooths through his hair, stroking gently before a voice speaks quietly.

"Love, we've landed."

Levi opens his eyes, seeing Erwin's soft smile in front of his face. He doesn't even remember falling asleep nor does he know how long he was asleep for. Regardless, he still feels exhausted, if not, worse than he did before he fell asleep.

Luckily, they're the first ones off the flight and through security. It's another half an hour before they're cleared and free from the stale airport. It's quiet this time of night so when Levi sees someone holding a sign outside the gate, it grabs his attention.

' Mr. & Mr. Smith.'

A hand is placed on his lower black and he looks up, seeing Erwin's gorgeous blue eyes gazing down at him.

"Our hotel is literally ten minutes away." Levi states with a smirk.

Erwin kisses him on the head, something Levi loves him doing.

"I don't want my husband walking all that way after an eight hour flight."

Husband. Levi stifles a smile before snorting. "More like you don't want to walk all that way."

They reach the driver and are escorted out of the airport into a very expensive, sleek black car. The windows are tinted and there's a divider between the back seats and the driver. As soon as they're seated, Erwin's hand finds Levi's. He strokes his thumb over his knuckle, rubbing soothing circles on the skin, threatening to put Levi back to sleep.

Erwin is always so good to him; showing him constant affection, declaring his love no matter where they are or what they're doing. Even now, when Erwin has fully given himself to Levi, he still finds more to give and Levi welcomes it with open arms.

He's still wrapping his head around the fact that he's married. They got married less than twenty-four hours ago and it feels as if they've been married a lifetime.

When they reach the hotel, which isn't long, Erwin jumps out of the car first so he can open the door for Levi and be really fucking over the top. He offers his hand, kissing Levi's when he holds it and pulls him out of the car and into the hotel.

Levi's cautious about leaving his stuff with a stranger - considering he's never been somewhere so top class before and certainly never anywhere with a busboy - but Erwin just chuckles and leads him to the elevator.

Once inside, Erwin does Levi's favorite thing and kisses the top of his head for the second time that evening before he speaks.

"How does it feel being Mr. Smith?"

"Great. I hope I grow as tall as you one day." Levi quips and Erwin laughs.

"I love your size. We fit together so well. Besides, it makes it easier for me to do this-" He says and lifts Levi up bridal style just as the elevator doors open.

Levi does his best to stifle his laughter, mindful of the guests in the halls as he playfully slaps Erwin's shoulder.

"Put me down, dickhead."

"Not until we cross the threshold."

"I'm not a bride."

"Doesn't matter." Erwin replies and lifts a majority of Levi's weight embarrassingly easily on one arm while he fiddles with the keycard. It takes a moment but eventually Erwin gets them into the room. It's spacious to say the least and Levi completely forgets he's being held up by Erwin as his eyes gaze over the suite.

NSFW Eruri Week 2022(Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now