One Night

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A:n tbh I'd let angry Erwin fuck my ass😍


Levi knows exactly what to say to get under Erwin's skin. It's an unwelcoming habit and Erwin always puts up with it well, shaking Levi off and ignoring him. He's always so calm and collected and it pissed Levi off.

On the very rare occasion does Erwin give what he gets, and by rare - it's once in a blue moon. And when he does raise his voice, wave his arms or even just snap at Levi, it always ended up with sex. Angry, rough, animalistic sex.

So naturally, when Erwin's corners him, yelling at him, Levi starts to grow hard in his pants. The tension between them shifts dramatically when Erwin stops shouting, his eyes burning with a fierce fire.

"I fucking told you to use the sat-nav!" Levi argues back. "It's not my fault you're a fucking caveman."

"If you could read a damn map properly, we'd have been there hours ago." Erwin snaps.

Levi bites the inside of his cheek. That actually hurts because Erwin knows he's dyslexic. They got lost and it was Levi's fault, he wasn't paying attention to the turning. They missed Erwin's special event and had to book into a hotel. So yeah, it was technically Levi's fault but he'd never admit it.

Levi glares into Erwin's angry blue eyes. It sends a shock wave right through Levi and down to his dick. Erwin being angry was really, really hot.

Then, those eyes soften and Erwin seems to realize what he's said.

"Levi, I'm sorry, I-"

Levi grabs a fistful of his collar and pulls him down, kissing him hard. Erwin makes a noise of surprise in his throat, his hands coming to rest on Levi's cheeks and he returns the kiss, slipping his tongue over Levi's. Levi grinds up against Erwin, moaning wetly into the kiss before he bites down on Erwin's lip.

"What the- " Erwin breaks away from the kiss, bringing a hand up to his mouth. He wipes the blood beading on his lip with his thumb and looks between it and Levi with a mixture of shock and anger on his face.

"You bitch." He sneers.

Levi curses and yanks Erwin towards him by his tie, his entire body tingling at Erwin's deep, aroused voice.

"You're so fucking hot when you're angry." Levi breathes.

Erwin growls and slams Levi against the wall and kisses him. Their teeth clash, lips smack and tongues battle for dominance. Levi gives in, letting Erwin overpower him and bring a hand to the back of his neck, tilting his head to deepen the kiss.

Then his fingers grip Levi's hair and pull .

"Oh fuck ." Levi moans.

Erwin smirks and dips back down to kiss him, gripping Levi's bottom lip between his teeth and letting it go with a smack. He was always so soft and could genuinely never hurt a fly on a regular day, yet here he was, staring down at Levi with a hungry look in his eyes.

Levi's hair is pulled again and he hisses. It hurts so fucking good and he's rock solid already. Erwin's pressed against him, thigh resting in between his legs and Levi can feel his cock pressing into him.

Erwin's kissing him again, angry and hard. There's no niceties between their lips anymore, just pure animalistic lust. Levi grinds himself against Erwin's thigh, sucking in air through his nose before pulling back from the kiss. His lips feel bruised and swollen as he speaks.

"Fuck me like you mean it, Smith." Levi breathes.

Erwin's eyes darken tremendously. He drags Levi away from the wall by his hair and throws him to the bed, not wasting any time when he climbs on top of him and rips open Levi's shirt. The cold air hits his chest but Erwin's warm hands are sliding over it, catching his nipples with his thumbs. He bends down, taking one of Levi's nipples in his mouth and rolls it between his teeth.

NSFW Eruri Week 2022(Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now