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The first thing Erwin sees when he gets home is, surprisingly, not his lover Levi, who is usually cleaning the lounge right about now. Instead, he's faced with an empty apartment that's eerily quiet. The second thing he sees, when he approaches the bedroom door, is, surprisingly, Levi knelt on the bed, stroking himself with a lip tucked between his teeth. He's moaning quietly, breathing heavily and cursing the faster he pumps and all Erwin can do is watch, eyes glued to his flushed, shiny cock.

" Fuck, fuck! Erwin... " He moans under his breath.

He swallows, steps forward and makes his presence known by leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed. Levi notices him and halts all movement, mouth now hanging open and eyes wide.

"Shit- fuck- how long have you been standing there?" Levi asks. He's wearing one of Erwin's shirts and he lets it drop from where he was holding it up. It falls, covering his erection and most of his thighs. Erwin wants to rip it off with his teeth.

"Long enough." Erwin says and eyes the smaller man up.

There's a silence that lingers between them before Levi shifts uncomfortably. "So... Can I finish, or...?"

"Did I say you could touch yourself?" Erwin asks.

Levi's mouth opens, closes and opens again. "No."

"Did you fuck yourself with your fingers?" Erwin doesn't let any emotion cross his features. Levi knows he's fucked up by touching himself without asking Erwin first.

Levi's cheeks tinge pinker than before. "Y-Yes."

Erwin hums and pushes away from the doorframe. He steps further into the room, watching Levi like a hawk. He's tense, unsure of how Erwin will react and Erwin's savoring the sight of his disobedient little lover looking at him like a dog who knows it's done wrong.

"Why did you do that, Levi?" Erwin questions, looming over Levi now.

Levi's not looking at him. "You weren't here and-"

Erwin wraps a hand under his jaw and forces him to look up. "And what? You thought you could disobey me because I wasn't here ?"

Levi's breath hitches. He stares up at Erwin, pupils blown, body twitching from arousal. He likes it when Erwin does this, acts like he owns him, and Erwin loves the way Levi gives into him.

"Your punishment starts now. Get off the bed and on your knees." Erwin let's him go and steps away, shrugging his jacket off.

Levi does as he says, quickly climbing off the bed and dropping to his knees next to it. He gazes at Erwin expectantly, ready to take whatever punishment Erwin sees fit. Part of him wants to fuck Levi senseless; he can't deny that the sight of him getting himself off wasn't extremely arousing. However, that would be giving in, giving Levi what he wants and that's not going to happen.

Erwin places his jacket on the bed and removes his belt. He doesn't look at Levi once, knowing he'd be tempted to touch him. Instead, he gives full attention to the tasks at hand and places his belt on the bed next to his jacket. He feels Levi's eyes on him, even more so when he reaches into his bottom drawer on his bedside table and pulls out the little silk bag containing Levi's most hated toy. A bullet vibrator.

It may be his most hated toy because it can be unbearable but it's Erwin's favourite because he can control it, and that's what he likes, being in control of Levi's pleasure.

He looks up, locks eyes with Levi and hands him the toy.

"You will put that inside your ass and not make a sound, no matter how high I turn it up. Do I make myself clear?"

NSFW Eruri Week 2022(Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now