3. No One Calls Me That

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It was Friday. Whereas most teens were probably getting ready for a party or seeing friends, Jaren was headed to the library. He didn't mind, he actually preferred it. Plus, he didn't have anyone who might want to hang out with him except Ryan, who was going to be out of town for the weekend.

Jaren locked up his bike and made his way into the library, appreciating the heat in the building. It warmed him from head to toe as he walked to the back. Sure enough, there weren't many people here today. The desks were sparsely populated by a few college-age students, a couple of high schoolers...

... and that boy.

The one from the other day, with the white-blond hair and those piercing green eyes.

Jaren didn't know what to do. He'd left the library in a fluster the last time he'd been here, too embarrassed to stay after he'd dropped his book. He'd not been expecting to see this guy again.

Jaren decided he would avoid catching his attention by sitting far away. But before he could move, the guy's eyes flashed up from his book and locked right on him. He beamed, clearly recognising Jaren, and waved him over to the seat opposite him again.

Jaren grimaced. He didn't want to sit near him but it would be awkward now if he didn't. He shuffled over and sat down, offering the boy a withdrawn smile. He didn't look up again; he didn't want to garner his new pal's attention any more than he already had.

Getting out his book, Jaren began speeding through his homework, his fast-tempo music keeping him motivated. He only stopped when he realised he needed his calculator. He dipped his head under the table and began rummaging through his bag for it.

When he looked up again, his book was gone. It had just been on his desk. Maybe he'd dropped it when he was rifling through his bag. He checked back under the table, on the floor and in his bag, and came up with nothing.

He slumped back in his chair, baffled, only to spot it right in front of him again. What? As he looked closer at his open book, he noticed handwriting that didn't match his in one of the corners of an empty page.

where were you yesterday?

Jaren's eyes flickered up to the boy before him. He was smiling innocently but curiosity danced in his eyes. Jaren penned his answer before sliding his book back to the boy.

What's it to you?

He seemed to find this amusing.

ouch. just curious.

If you have to know, I wasn't here. Jaren felt that that was as passive-aggressive an 'I don't want to talk' message could be without being outright rude.

It didn't faze the boy. Instead, he smiled.

i got that much. i'm sorry for poking you under the table. i didn't mean to make you drop your book.

It's okay. I just wasn't expecting it.

so, you come here often?

Yeah. You don't though. I've never seen you before.

i came on wednesday for the first time. i thought the quiet might help me study but to be honest, the guy in front of me is really distracting.

Jaren raised an eyebrow at the blond, who tugged his bottom lip between his teeth in a playful grin.

Really? I've been having the same problem.

The guy chuckled silently and Jaren finally offered him a genuine smile. He didn't seem so bad, even if he was a distraction.

my name's john.

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