11. Ren?

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Jaren forced himself to look up and almost cried in relief when he saw it was just Ryan. Better him than anyone else. But also... Ryan.

His friend's eyes scanned his phone and looked up at him with an amused expression. "You like someone, Jaren?"

"No, lower your voice," he hissed, looking around again.

"Then what's this?" Ryan turned the phone around to show him, as though he didn't know what he'd been looking up.

"Nothing, I was just curious."

Ryan looked at him sceptically. "Sure. I'm sure she's great."

His tongue felt heavy in his mouth. He looked up at his friend and decided to correct him.



"It's a he."

"Okay." Ryan paused a second. "Just make sure you're not Googling things like this around him. That's no way to tell someone you like them."

That was it? A smile slowly spread across Jaren's lips. "Okay, Ryan. I didn't know you were just a master about all this."

"Eh, it's common sense not to Google 'how to know if you like someone' in school where anyone can see you."


"But I'm glad you're living a little." His friend smiled teasingly. "Oh, I almost forgot what I came over for. I'm throwing a party next Friday for Halloween and I was wondering if you'd come?"

"I dog sit on Fridays now, I'm sorry."

Ryan waggled a finger. "Nu-uh, not good enough. That's why I'm telling you a week before, so you can't flake on me and say you had other plans. It will start at eight; I'm sure you'll be done with the dog by then. And, if I remember correctly, you said you'd come to the next party I throw. You said that yourself, with no persuasion from me."

"Ugh, fine."

"And you'll bring your friend, won't you?"

"I don't know-"

"I won't tell him you like him if that's what you're worried about. I just want to meet the guy who made wittle Jaren a normal teenager," he said, ruffling the shorter boy's hair.

Jaren slapped his hand away. "Shut up."

"See you at mine then?"

"Can't wait," he sighed.

"Alright!" Ryan was walking backwards away from Jaren, and shot him a thumbs up.

Jaren left the school building. He made his way over to the bike rack and was halfway across the parking lot when he heard a car horn. He looked up to see John's car and him in the driver's seat, waving enthusiastically.

He wheeled his bike over. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd pick you up. We can hang out or I can take you home."

"That's thoughtful of you," Jaren replied as he got in after putting his bike in the back. "I'm free to hang out."

John's eyes brightened and he revved his engine and pulled out of the lot.

"So, how was your day?" John asked, glancing over at him.

"Fine, I guess. Do you have any plans next Friday night?"

"Woah, eager much?" They shared a laugh. "But nope, nothing."

"Great. So there's this Halloween party my friend's throwing, and I want you to come with me."

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