20. I Promise

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Jaren had nerves in his stomach all day on Tuesday. He had work that afternoon and the fear of knowing that John would probably be there made him feel sick. But he knew he wouldn't be able to take any more days off and he needed the money for college.

He decided to walk to work, to give himself some time with his thoughts. Ryan had eased off, letting him do some things alone, but he didn't doubt he'd be there after his shift to take him home. Any time he travelled now, Ryan would chauffeur him. Being babysat was getting old rather quickly but he knew Ryan meant well.

When he got in, Penny was in the kitchen.

"Jaren! We missed you this weekend. How are you feeling?"

"I'm alive."

Annabelle strolled into the kitchen then, notepad and pen in hand. She spoke to one of the chefs before she saw Jaren. Her face lit up and she came over.

"Where have you been? I've missed you. John's in today too, so our waiting trio is whole again," she observed happily. And sure enough, in came John.

Jaren's smile fell. He couldn't bring it back onto his face even if he tried. He'd known John would be here, so why was it so hard to see him?

The blond finally noticed him and his eyes widened. He turned on his heel and walked right back out.

"He didn't even give anyone his order," Anna mused. "Newbies, am I right?" She rolled her eyes jokingly.

He managed to get away with not exchanging a single word with John the entire shift. If John was in the front, Jaren would be in the back, helping with odd jobs. When John would come to the kitchen to take the food, Jaren would already be on it, slipping past him silently to give the customers their meals. At the end of his shift, he stepped out of the back door with a farewell to no one in particular. He'd texted Ryan again that he could go home alone but he knew he'd be waiting out front somewhere. His friend might have let him go home alone if he had his bike, but he'd left it outside Jonathan's house on that fateful night and hadn't been back to collect it. He didn't even know if it was still there or if someone had stolen it.


His breath hitched at that voice. He carried on walking as though he hadn't heard him.

"Jaren, please."

His voice was much closer and he felt a hand around his wrist. He snatched it back instinctively before finally turning around to face John.

"Don't touch me."


"No! You don't get to talk to me or touch me or even look at me!" he spat. "Do you understand what you did? You lead me on for months! I thought you liked me but I should have known someone like you would never like someone like me.

"You carried on, even after everything I told you about my dad. You knew.. know things about me that no one else does, and you just flicked me away like I was some gum on the bottom of your shoe. I thought you cared about me."

"Jaren, I just-"

"Fuck off! What don't you understand? I never want to see you again!"

He ran away from the boy as fast as his legs could carry him before he heard a car horn. He looked to his left to see Ryan in his car. He rolled down the window.

"You've kept me waiting," Ryan joked.

"Let's just go." Jaren climbed into his car as he started it. He clearly didn't notice John standing on the sidewalk, motionless as he stared at the ground. Jaren could just about make out John's expression. He looked exhausted. He was glad John seemed to be sharing his inability to sleep. Maybe he at least felt a little bit of guilt for what he'd done.

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