17. Until The Next Time

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"Let me breathe, Ren," John chuckled breathlessly. Jaren's hands were in his hair, unrelenting, as he tried to bring their lips together again.

"No, just kiss me one more time."

John admitted defeat and allowed their faces to come together again. Jaren's fingers slackened from his hair as he felt John's warm fingers cup his cheeks, making him gasp.

John used the opportunity to introduce his tongue into the kiss. It swept over Jaren's bottom lip and had his heart pounding even harder somehow. His lips felt a thousand degrees and his blood even hotter.

He pulled away teasingly, making John pause, before pulling him back gently by his necklace. He joined their lips together again; the pause had thrown John off enough that Jaren now had control. He hummed into the kiss and heard John's breathing quiver.

"Oh fuck," John muttered. "Do that again."

Jaren complied, humming briefly, and smiled into the kiss when the blond's breath hitched again. John's fingers snaked to the back of his neck, bringing him even closer. With only the centre console between them again, this time Jaren pulled back. He dropped his head to John's neck, pressing his forehead into the hollow.

"I should go," he mumbled.

"You should, because our self-control is shot today. You are irresistible."

Jaren giggled as he fiddled with the necklace he'd gifted John, thumbing the little bird. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing you."

"Good, because we'll do it tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that-"

"Alright, eager beaver. I'll leave you with one more to satisfy you until the next time." He pulled away from his neck and pressed his lips to John's briefly. John's hands snuck into the pockets of Jaren's denim jacket, holding him fast.

He backed off and pulled the boy's hands out of his pockets to free himself. "Okay, now I'll go," he said, more to convince himself than John.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to Jonathan's party?" John tried.

Jaren had even received a text invite from Jonathan himself, which he was flattered by. But he had no intention of going to another party.

"Very sure."

"One day I'll get you to agree."

"But not today. Bye, John."

He drove off then. It was Friday evening, and he and John had just spent the last few hours dog-sitting Bear, who'd slowly been warming up to John in the past few weeks. They'd walked in the park and then hung out at Penny's until she'd gotten home. She was rather pleased at having not one but two dog-sitters now. And then John had driven him home, where they'd kissed in John's pickup for not long enough.

Jaren rubbed his lips, which were still on fire, as he walked into his house. He hoped they didn't look swollen.

"Mom, I'm home."

"Hi, honey," her voice called.

He waltzed towards the living room and stopped abruptly when his eyes focused on Ryan.

"Hello Jaren." He was sat on the couch, clutching a glass of orange juice awkwardly. They'd not spoken in months.

"What are you doing here?"

His mom spoke up from the kitchen. "He got here a few minutes ago so I told him you'd be home soon."

"Can we talk in your room?" Ryan asked quietly.

Jaren didn't reply; he just turned on his heel and walked upstairs, waiting for Ryan to follow.

Once they were alone, Ryan leaned against his desk. The silence was suffocating before the taller boy finally opened his mouth. "I know you don't want to see me or anything, but I had to come talk to you."

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