4. You Look Nice

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Jaren awoke early the next morning, even though it was Saturday. He had work later at a local café, Benson's, that he'd been working at since he was fifteen. First, it had been a way to save money for college but now he used his shifts as a way to get out of the house.

When he headed downstairs, his mom was already in the kitchen eating breakfast. She was also working today and wouldn't be back until late. Jaren didn't say anything as he entered the kitchen. Neither did his mom.

The tension from last night lingered in the house. He had just sat his bowl down on the table when his mom stood up and put hers away, ready to leave.

He didn't want his mom's day to start so sourly so he swallowed his pride and let out a "Bye, Mom. Have a good day."

She paused, her grasp on her bag tightening. One corner of her mouth lifted in a tired smile and she stepped out, shutting the door behind her. Jaren listened to the sound of the keys in the door and her faint footsteps as she walked away.

He regretted the way his relationship with his mom had deteriorated ever since his father had left. But it seemed to be something that would never fully be repaired regardless of how much he wished they could go back to how they used to be.

He ate his cereal in silence, his thoughts too loud to concentrate on anything else, until his phone vibrated. It was a message from his friend and colleague, Penny.


You still good for 10?

Jaren groaned. He'd forgotten that he was supposed to start earlier this weekend. He quickly typed back a message.

Yeah, see you soon.

He looked at the time and choked on his cereal when he saw it was already 9:28.

He quickly changed into his uniform, a black shirt and pants, and ran outside. He hopped on his bike and raced to the café.

He arrived completely out of breath but on time. Barely. Penny watched him enter and looked pointedly at the clock when he came in. Her maroon braids were tied back as she chopped mushrooms, and she was wearing a red lip that complimented her dark skin beautifully.

"You look nice, Pen," Jaren tried, hoping the compliment would get him off the hook.

It didn't.

"You cut it close, Smith."

"I know, I'm sorry."

She chuckled. "It's fine. Anyway, you're out front. It's already been quite busy today so get ready for a shitshow. You're in 'til 6, right?"

Jaren exhaled through his nose. Eight whole hours here. "I am."

Penny laughed at his expression. "Don't worry, you'll survive."


Eight hours later, Jaren was completely drained of energy. As one of only two waiters on duty, he'd been running back and forth for all of his shift. His legs were aching and he'd worked up a reasonable sweat.

He hung up his apron and collapsed into a chair in the kitchen. Penny was at the very back, scraping dirty plates, and offered him a sympathetic look.

"Are you alright?"

"Exhausted, Pen. We need another pair of hands out front."

"Ha, good luck convincing the Bensons." She grinned at him as she placed plates and cutlery into the sinks. Jaren sighed and stood up, joining her in washing the last few dishes.

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