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नैना शर्माए जो याके भर आए जोथाम के रुक जाए दोनों जहां

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नैना शर्माए जो
याके भर आए जो
थाम के रुक जाए दोनों जहां


At a cafe

Reyhna is sitting at a cozy corner table in her favourite cafe, her laptop open and her fingers tapping away on the keyboard. She was completely immersed in her work, the words on the screen consuming her attention.

As she typed furiously, her mind racing with ideas and her heart pounding with excitement, she was barely noticing the sounds of the cafe around her. The murmur of voices, the clinking of dishes, the whir of the espresso machine - it all faded into the background as she focused on the task at hand.

Suddenly, a voice rings out over the chatter, calling out a number: "Number 17!"

Reyhna looks up, momentarily confused. She was so engrossed in her work that she had missed the announcement of her order. She glancesat her receipt and realizes that her token number was indeed 17.

Panicking, she frantically searches for her order sheet, but it was nowhere to be found. She heard the number called out again, more urgently this time.

Realizing that she was running out of time, Reyhna quickly closes her laptop and rushes to the counter, pushing through the crowd of people to reach the busy barista.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't hear my number called," she panted, trying to catch her breath. "I'm number 17."

The barista smiled understandingly, a hint of amusement in their eyes. "No problem, miss. Here's order. Anything else I can help you with?"

"No. This is it. Thank you." She replied with a blink and smile.

As she turns to return to her table, her heart still racing from the rush, a small kid collides with her and the drink in her hand gets spilled all over dress

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As she turns to return to her table, her heart still racing from the rush, a small kid collides with her and the drink in her hand gets spilled all over dress.

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