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तुझको भूल जाऊं कैसेमाने ना मनाऊं कैसेतू बता

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तुझको भूल जाऊं कैसे
माने ना मनाऊं कैसे
तू बता


Anika's POV

As me and Kunal walked towards the class hand in hand, the sunlight shone through the leaves of the trees, casting a warm glow on our faces.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as i looked at Kunal, feeling lucky to have him by my side.

As we approached the classroom building, Tina, suddenly appeared and grabbed his bicep, flashing him a mischievous smile. My heart sank as i felt a twinge of jealousy creeping in.

I tried to shake off the feeling, reminding herself that he was just being friendly with his friend.

Before i could dwell on my feelings too much, a familiar voice called out to me from behind. It was Reyhna, she hurried to catch up to me and took my hand in hers, linking our fingers together.

I felt a surge of gratitude towards her for breaking me out of my jealousy-induced trance. I squeezed her hand tightly, silently conveying my appreciation for her presence.

As we walked side by side towards the class, Reyhna looked at me with a concerned expression. "Do you really think Kunal is the right guy for you?" she asked softly.

My heart skipped a beat at the question. I knew that Reyhna had always been skeptical of Kunal, pointing out his flaws and warning me about potential red flags in our relationship.

But I know Kunal is just a social person. Moreover, Tina is his friend after all.

I shook my head, defending him, "He's just being friendly with Tina, there's nothing more to it. Kunal loves me, Reyhna. I know he does."

As we entered the classroom, I found myself stealing glances at Kunal and Tina, who were engrossed in a lively conversation.

And I couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity as i watched Tina laugh at something Kunal said, her hand lingering on his arm.

I excused myself from there and went outside to get some fresh air to not let my emotions overpower my trust, i had on him.

End of Anika's POV

End of Anika's POV

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