𝟏𝟏. 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧

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आसमाँ सितारों से छलकने लगाचाँद सा तू जो मुझमें चमकने लगा

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आसमाँ सितारों से छलकने लगा
चाँद सा तू जो मुझमें चमकने लगा


"Ya'll empty this place for now. I'll summon ya'll later for the indiscipline you had caused today. Head to your respective classes." The Vice principal ordered.

The boys exited the cabin, as they walked down the hallway, Shivaay couldn't help but wonder what his gang were doing in this university. He looked at them with a raised eyebrow.

Just when his mouth opened to throw some questions at them, one of the guys interrupted him.

Rohan spoke up, "We knew about your transfer to this university through a post that Samarth had shared on his social media account."

He further added, "And you know we guys ar bound to stick together, so here we are. All together."

Shivaay shot a side-eye towards Samarth, who simply brushed off the intense stare with a slight smile.

"We- We should go to the class now. I guess. Come on guys lemme show you around." Samarth suggested.

Everyone walks ahead and Shivaay is left behind. He was lost in his own thoughts. He reflected on the events that transpired in the principal's office and couldn't help but feel a sense of injustice. The principal seemed to be placing the blame solely on him for the fight that had occurred, without considering the role that others have played.

[time skip]

Despite the clashes Shivaay and Kunal had exchanged among each other, they didn't let their personal conflict affect their competitive spirit that sparked inside them for the practise regarding the upcoming event that was approacing them.

As days passed, the practise schedule got more busier and tiring. The coach guided the team on their strenghts and weak points.

However, the fire of the fight that had taken place earlier was not over yet. Atleast not from Kunal's side.

The match that he had lost, the embarassment it carried with it, still resided within him. He often took advantage of him being the team leader. He didn't left a chance of rebuking Shivaay on his footwork, passing balls to other teammates and other things.

Shivaay ignored his childish behaviour as long as he didn't crossed the line.

Meanwhile on the other side, the wedding day was fixed. It was two days after Kunal's basketball match was going to held.

Anika was ecstatic as the wedding date approached. She had always dreamed of this day, and now that it was finally becoming a reality, she couldn't contain her excitement.

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