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दिल दियां गल्लां हाय करांगे रोज़ रोज़ बह के सच्चियाँ मोहब्बतां निभा के

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दिल दियां गल्लां हाय
करांगे रोज़ रोज़ बह के
सच्चियाँ मोहब्बतां निभा के


Shivaay lunged at Kunal, his fists flying in a blur of motion. Kunal, not one to back down, fought back with equal ferocity. The two of them were like animals, locked in a vicious battle for dominance.

Their clothes were torn and stained with blood and dirt as they grappled with each other, their angry shouts echoing off the tiled walls of the washroom. The sounds of fists connecting with flesh filled the air, and the sickening sound of Kunal's jaw cracking under Shivaay's powerful punch sent a shiver down the spines of the onlookers.

The student crowd that had gathered in the washroom could only watch in shock as the two fought with a primal intensity. Some tried to intervene, to pull them apart and put an end to the violence, but Shivaay and Kunal were too consumed by their rage to listen to reason.

As the fight raged on, Kunal's face became a bloody mess, his nose broken and his lip split open. Shivaay was no better off, his knuckles bruised and bleeding from the force of his blows. But neither of them seemed to care about the pain they were inflicting on each other.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a group of the other guys managed to separate the two guys, pulling them apart before things could escalate any further. Their chests heaving with exertion and adrenaline, as they stood apart.

The washroom fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the combatants and the quiet murmurs of the onlookers.


Kunal stood in front of the mirror in the boys' washroom, the hot water from the faucet cascading over his flushed face. The sound of his teammates entering the washroom behind him made him tense up. He knew what was coming.

"Hey Kunal, tough break out there," one of the guys said with a sympathetic tone.

"Yeah, that was a rough loss, Kunal." another added, patting Kunal on the back.

But it was the third voice that Kunal dreaded the most.

"You know what unsetted me the most? That our team captain lost disgracefully from that new guy, Shivaay." he said, a hint of malice in his voice.

Kunal felt a surge of anger bubble up inside him. He hated that Shivaay had outplayed him on the court, but hearing his teammates talk badly about him only fueled his fury.

"Yeah, he was hogging the ball the whole game," Kunal interjected, his voice filled with bitterness.

The guys around him nodded in agreement, their voices growing louder as they fed off each other's negativity. Kunal leaned into the conversation, adding his own grievances about Shivaay's lack of passing and questionable shot selection.

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