Chapter Twelve

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The next morning saw Becca in her office at A-Corp, despite the fact that it was a Saturday, no one except security was there and she could've easily left things until Monday. 

Becca liked the solitude though, a coffee bought on her way over sitting next to her keyboard as the early morning sunlight pooled across her back and desk, just warm enough to combat the chill that emanated from the tiled floors of the clinically cold office.

A-Corp's lawyers had finished combing through a few documents that had been left on her desk, and she signed each page with a flourish as she rewatched the new advertisement on repeat on her computer screen, making notes on changes for the media department. 

It was quiet and productive, no meetings to pull her from her work, and while Becca knew she could've delegated more to other departments and heads, she appreciated the fulfilment hard work brought her.

Without her job, she would've had nothing to strive for, no competitive drive to best other rival tech companies, no creative outlet for her new plans to further technology in a greener way. 

She knew that was the real reason she threw herself so wholly into her work, for a distraction from the boredom that would've consumed her otherwise. 

Most people would probably have been content to have a bank account full of more money than they'd ever need to do whatever they wanted, but Becca craved the intellectual stimulation too.

Even a few drinks the night before that had left her feeling groggy with exhaustion at five o'clock that morning hadn't been enough to deter her from checking in on things.

Although, she could feel herself flagging now, needing more coffee to sustain her as her sore muscles ached from her sunrise workout in the basement.

Finishing off signing the stack of contracts, she leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, breathing slowly as she sifted through the mental list she'd made for herself. 

Alice tried to organise things according to relative importance, but sometimes Becca preferred to do it her own way.

As she decided to tackle the budget spreadsheets for the quarterly meeting that would be coming up in a few weeks, as well as the reevaluated budget for the next quarter, Becca's phone rang on her desk.

Picking it up she smiled at the sight of Freen's name and quickly answered. "Good morning!"

"Morning! You sound happy."

"It's been productive."

There was a second too long pause on the other end. "You're at the office?"

"Yeah, I was just signing some contracts and going over the budget. Why?"

"I'm outside your house. I knocked but... well, I guess that's why you didn't answer. I should've known you weren't just having a lie-in for a change."

Becca straightened up as her face softened with surprise, "oh, well... I'll be there soon."

"No, no, you're busy."

"See, the good thing about running your own business is that you get to choose your own hours."

She heard a faint sigh on the other end and grinned as Freen relented. 

"Alright. But I don't have anything planned, just so you know. You're going to be stuck with my company."

"Sounds perfect. I'll see you soon."

Shuffling everything into a resemblance of a neat pile, Becca grabbed her bag, finished off her coffee and dumped it in the trash before stalking out.

Passing by security in the lobby, she gave them a quick smile and said goodbye before breezing out onto the sidewalk, where her car was parked out front in her spot. 

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