Chapter Forty

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Their week together in National City seemed to fly by. They tried to make the most of everything, visiting art galleries and baseball games, tiny restaurants with a few booths doused in red light where they drank margaritas, and the bowling alley where Mind almost bowled a perfect game and they all got way too drunk at Al's afterwards.

It all felt so normal that Becca couldn't bring herself to count down the hours remaining, until there were only a handful of them left and reality hit her like a slap across the face.

She'd almost forgotten, so wrapped up in her bubble with Freen as she left Irin to field business calls and spent her days listening to records and learning how to make apple pie as Freen told her painful stories, piece by piece.

Until it was the day before she was set to go back.

Becca woke last, the cool air and grey sky telling her it was near dawn, and she felt around in the empty bed for Freen, finding her side cold.

The feeling of waking up without her almost left her breathless with the pain of it and she had to force herself to move on, smoothing out the sheets and opening the curtains as she tried not to dwell on the passing time.

Making her way downstairs, absent of Athena's presence, she put coffee on the stove to brew in the Moka pot and scooped out the insides of two avocados for breakfast as she waited for Freen to return.

She'd gone for a jog most mornings since being back, returning sweaty and increasingly quieter, before perking up again and allowing herself to enjoy the remaineder of her leave. Becca knew it was the nightmares, but that was one topic Freen steered clear of as she shared stories of her time overseas.

She was outside, drinking her coffee with a cardigan pulled around herself as she took in the scattered autumn leaves littering her little garden, pulling stray weeds from the herbs as a lone bird called from one of the towering trees.

The sky was overcast and the morning held a chill to it but she lingered out there until claws scratched against the wooden decking and Athena pushed her wet nose into Becca's hand.

A smile creased her face and she turned to look at the door as she scratched the German Shepherd under her chin.

Freen was leaning against the open door in a pair of black shorts and running shoes, her pale body cast grey by the predawn as she studied Becca closely, a peaceful look on her face. Crossing over to her, Becca cupped her chin and kissed her sweetly.

"You shower; I'll fix us breakfast."

She poured coffee for them both and pulled out a packet of salmon, waiting until the sound of the upstairs shower stopped running before she put the toast down.

They ate at the kitchen counters and washed the dishes afterward before Freen hugged her from behind and kissed the side of her neck, enveloping Becca in her warmth.

"What do you want to do today?" Becca asked.

"Hm, well, I need to finish packing this morning, but tonight I was hoping you wouldn't say no to this new exhibit in the city. It's just a small one from this new photographer - I think you'll like it though - and then maybe dinner with Mind and Nam?"

"Sounds perfect. Do you want me to make dinner reservations? Somewhere nice for our last..."

Freen turned her around in her arms and reached up to brush a stray hair out of her face and kiss her quickly. "Sure. That'll be nice."

Kissing her back, Becca smiled sadly into the kiss, her hands ghosting up Freen's arms before she laced them behind her neck.

"Anything you need from the store? I'll do a quick run while you pack."

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