Chapter Fourteen

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An unknown number illuminated Becca's private cell phone and she frowned as she declined it, setting it back down and turning her attention back to her computer screen. 

Only to be disturbed by it vibrating again, the sound grating on the desk. With a sigh, Becca snatched it up and jammed against her ear as she answered it.

"Yes?" she asked in a clipped tone.

There was a momentary pause and a snort of laughter. "Do you always answer the phone with such lovely manners?"

Mouth opening and closing, Becca bristled, pulling the phone away from her face to stare at the screen before she put it back to her ear. "Who is this?"

"It's me . Mind."

Becca let out a breathless laugh, pressing her fingers to her mouth as she relaxed in her chair. 

"Oh. Mind, hi. Sorry, I just- I'm funny about who I gave my personal cell to."

"I hope you don't mind, I asked Freen for it."

"No, that's fine."

"Great. Well, so, you know Heng? And his girlfriend, Hera? They're in town for the weekend so Heng can see Nam, but Freen doesn't know yet. Neither does Nam. It's a surprise, so we're all meeting at this bar we go to. Al's. I thought you might like to come and meet her friends - some of her other ones that actually live here are going to be there too - and I thought you could also get her there for me."

Blinking in surprise, Becca hesitated. Things at work had slowed down after the quarterly board meeting, where her mother had been mercifully absent on account of her being in Morocco for business. 

It had all sailed through smoothly, profits up and costs down, new plans greenlit and her position as the head and primary owner of the company further solidified.

"Yeah, I can get her there," Becca said with conviction.

"Perfect! I'll text you the address of the bar."

"Sounds good."

"Alright, bye."

Hanging up, Becca frowned for a moment and then sent Freen a text asking her if she wanted to meet her after work tomorrow night. 

Enjoying the feeling of planning a surprise she knew Freen would enjoy, work seemed to go faster and her good mood seemed to be infectious throughout the rest of her meetings, the tension dissipating as she doled out compliments with caution.

Picking out her outfit that night, she slept relatively early and spent a little extra time in the morning doing her hair and makeup before getting her driver to take her in so she wouldn't have to drive home.

The day dragged by as her excitement made her usual unbreakable concentration vanish, and she changed and left the office earlier than she'd planned for the week to find Freen waiting outside. 

The sun was just starting to sink, the air warm enough for Becca's dress as she stepped outside smiling. 

Wary of employees staring after her, she kissed Freen quickly, ensuring her back was to the glass front of the office building, before lacing their fingers together.

"You look nice," Freen said, eyeing the casual sundress and the oversized leather Jacket with surprise.

"So do you," Becca said, squeezing her hand. "How was work?"

"Good! It went fast so I can't complain. I did want to talk to you about something though."

A flash of uneasy surprise crossed Becca's face as she turned to look at Freen, eyebrows raised as a seed of doubt planted itself in her mind. 

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