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Mark Lee

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Mark Lee

Korean Name: Minhyung Lee 

Age: 23

3rd year in college

President of Class 3-1

Basketball team's captain.


Rich af.

He hasn't dated anyone in college till now. A girl named Giselle is in love with him.

Ex: Lee Donghyuck AKA Lee Haechan

Ex: Lee Donghyuck AKA Lee Haechan

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Lee Haechan

Korean/Real name: Lee Donghyuck.

Age: 22

Didn't go to college but, is pretty smart.

CEO of Lee Corp.

Rich af.

He only has one person in his mind. He was heartbroken when his ex lover moved to canada without telling him. He is here to get his lover back and repay for his mistake.

Ex: Lee Minhyung AKA Lee Mark.

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Lee Taeyong

The leading teacher of KWANGYA International school.

Age: 26

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