We meet again...

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Mark woke up early in the morning around 7 and took a shower and got dressed, The school started at 8:30 so, Mark, Taeyong and Doyoung would usually leave at 8:00. Mark went downstairs around 7:40 and saw his brothers being all lovey-dovey and cringed.

"Hyung?" Mark calls.

"Yes Mark?" says Taeyong and Doyoung at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled before pecking each other's lips.

"Can you guys stop acting cringe?" asks Mark eating his sunny side up eggs and sausage.

"Don't worry Mark! You will find someone soon! Don't be jealous!" says Doyoung squeezing Mark with a tight hug. As much as Mark wanted to say something, he held it in his mouth because, right now... It was a family moment.

Suddenly, the driver comes and calls them to get in the car. Mark started eating so fast, and when he finished... he began choking. Doyoung patted mark's back as taeyong gave him a glass of water. Mark quickly gulped the water.

"Phew... Thanks hyungs!" Mark said flashing a smile.

"No problem, now shall we go?" asks taeyong.

"Yeah!" says doyoung and mark in unison. They all grab their bags and went outside and got on the car. 

After about 35 minutes, they arrived, taeyong and doyoung sent mark to class and went to their own respective classes. Which was Taeyong for 3-2, And Doyoung for 4-1.

Mark slammed his hand on the table, causing everyone to look at him and gulp. Everyone sat down quickly. Suddenly, a teacher knocks on the door or atleast that's what they thought. And to everyone's surprise, it was the principal and not a teacher. Everyone stood up immediately and stood straight. Mark snapped his fingers and everyone said "Good Morning Sir!".

"Good morning Everyone.." said Johnny coming inside. 

"I am actually here to call President Mark as he has permission to go home right now.. And NO, it's not because he is suspended, it's because he is volunteering for something which will make you all gain more points." Says Johnny and everyone claps and shouts. "MARK!". 

"Ok, so, Jeno.. As the Vice President, I am hoping that you can control them?" Asks Johnny smilling. Jeno stands up and says. "YES SIR!". "Jeno, this isn't the military!" said a student making everyone laugh.

Johnny took Mark outside and told him:

"Go to my office and meet him, and also no backing down ok?" said johnny strictly,

"Yes sir!" says mark going to the office. Mark opened the door to the office and saw a familiar person sitting on the chair.

"Hi, excuse me? Are you the sharehol-... Donghyuck?" Mark cut himself off when he saw the face of the shareholder.

 Donghyuck?" Mark cut himself off when he saw the face of the shareholder

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Haechan's outfit *

Haechan's outfit *

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Mark's outfit*.

"M-mark..." haechan stuttered.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Mark asks angrily.

"Mark, I can explain-" Haechan was cut off.

"Explain what?! How you left me in Seoul for 2 months alone without any contact and then, came back and asked for forgiveness? Oh and then, how I saw you with another boy in those 2 months?!" Mark shouts.

"M-mark.. Please calm down... I-I w-will explain..." 

Mark had tears streaming down his face. He was about to go and tell johnny that he didn't want to do it and then he realized.. That he can't go back on his word. Which means he is practically stuck with donghyuck for 3 whole days,

"I never go back on my word unlike you who promised to never leave me.. So, I will spend the 2 days with you but, don't think of it as much." said mark wiping his tears off and in a cold voice. 

"Let me show you around the school Mr.Lee.." says Mark harshly making donghyuck's heart clench but, he knew that it was his mistake.

"Sure.. President Lee..." says Haechan teasingly as he sees Mark's ID Card. Mark blushed but, ignored it.

"So, first of all.. This is the 2nd floor.. So, the classes on this floor will be classes 3 and 4. The first class here is Class 3-1 in Music which I am in..." says Mark pointing at the window showing the class. 

Mark showed donghyuck all the classes who was actually shocked.. He had never gone to college but, he was currently studying online for a degree. 

"So, Mr. Lee... The school tour is now over.. I will go to the parking lot in the evening 3pm!" says mark not even glancing at haechan.

"You can call me... Haechan or Hyuck... There is no need for a polite name... We already know each other and... your elder than me by 10 months..." says Haechan. Mark looked at the younger and smiled "Sure Haechan..." says Mark awkwardly.

"Umm, why are you finishing school at 3 by the way? It finishes at 1 right?" asks Haechan trying to break the awkwardness.

"Well. I have a game today..." says Mark.

"You finally decided to continue playing hmm?.." said haechan nicely.

"I am sorry, I didn't hear you properly..." says Mark.

"Ok, umm... I will watch the game then! I have a meeting with your schoolboard which finishes at 1PM so, I will go there..." says haechan.

"Oh... Ok!" Mark says and runs to Jeno, Yangyang, Ten, Yuta, and Winwin who were waiting for him.

Haechan went for the meeting around 11:30PM after watching a kdrama for straight 3 hours in the car while Mark went for practice....

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