Missing you

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Class 3-1.

It was currently English class which Professor Jung Jaehyun was teaching to 3-1.

"Ok, now next... Karina? Please read the paragraph-" jaehyun was cut off by a knock on the door. The principal's secretary entered and whispered something in Jaehyun's ear and pat his back before looking at the class.

"Mark Lee? Please come with me.." He said. Everyone stared confused while Mark walked down and followed the secretary.

He entered the Principal's office where he was waiting for Mark.

"Hi Sir Suh!" Mark greeted in English bowing.

"Hi Mark, Can you do me a favour?" Asked Johnny slightly nervous in english to which mark nodded.

"One of our school's shareholders are coming to join this school... It's their first time in Canada. So... Can you stay with him and show him around? He's only 22!" said johnny in english,

"Umm... OK?" said mark confused but, realized it was his duty so, didn't really care.

"Great! He will be here tomorrow morning! You can show him around the school tomorrow, and the next 2 days which are holidays, you willl go with him and show him canada. Ok?" asked johnny fastly and mark just nodded.

"Well then... Your dismissed.." said a sweating johnny and mark left the class.

Suddenly, a voice said from behind the curtains "See, it wasn't that bad?" said a proud man opening the curtains as another man came out of the curtain's and one more from inside the cupboard.

"Why don't you try it next time then, Taeyong?" said Johnny smirking and angrily.

"We would have if... they weren't our stupid brothers..." said doyoung pecking taeyong's lips.

Johnny scoffed. And everyone chuckled.


It was after lunch and Mark was currently in practice. After about 2 hours, they finished practice and washed up. The team was about to go back to their classes when Jeno suddenly got a message and then Jeno started running around like a kid. Everyone chuckled.

"Jeno.." said a tired mark.

"LEE JENO!" Mark Shouted and Jeno stopped and hugged Mark tightly causing both of them to fall backwards. Jeno pecked mark's cheek and stood up,

"Eww dude- what the heck's gotten into you?" asked mark.

"My boyfriends are coming to canada!!!!!!" Jeno shouted and was about to run again when Mark pulled him back. The 2 bickered on the way out as the others chuckled seeing them.

Mark, Jeno, and Yangyang had the same class so, they walked talking about random stuff.


Mark walked out and saw a bunch of girls squealing at him and then saw giselle standing near the locker with some roses. Giselle walked towards Mark and gave him the roses.

"MARK LEE, I LOVE YOU! WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND?!" Giselle asked eagerly as her voice echoed through the whole hallroom.

Mark simply replied with a "No." and left to his car in which doyoung and taeyong were already seated in. He got in the back seat and looked out the window to see Giselle crying and Ningning comforting her. He smiled before erasing the smile from his face in a mili-second.

"Hey Mark? How was today?" asked doyoung.

"It was fine hyung!" he said. Doyoung patted mark's head before laying on taeyong's shoulder.

Mark then told them that he won't be home for 2 days. And they said ok surprising mark,


Mark arrived in his bedroom and flopped himself onto the bed. He looked at a picture of a boy and him and smiled at it. A tear escaped his eye,

"I miss you baby... I miss your scent, your body, your smile, everything.... I love you but, why did you leave me?" said mark sadly looking at the picture, He got up and went to wash up. After that, he flopped himself on bed and fell asleep hugging the picture.

Meanwhile {On a flight from Seoul to Vancouver}

A boy looked outside the window and saw Vancouver down, it was almost time to land. He looked at his wallpaper on his phone and smiled.

"I miss you Baby... I am here to make up for what I did... You told me you would welcome me to canada by a kiss but, guess what? Today, I am alone..." He said to himself as some tears escaped his eyes. 

"Hey Hyuckie, Did you finish eat- Omo! My baby!!" Said Jaemin cutting himself off and hugging Hyuck. Renjun came out of the washroom.

"Wow, I was not there for 3 minutes and you already cheated on me..." said renjun jokingly.

"Shut up, and join us! Hyuckie's sad!" Said jaemin making Renjun's smirk turn into a worried look. He hugged Hyuck as well and they all laughed . Suddenly, a flight attendant came.

"Umm... excuse me sir? we are about to land!" she said. 

"Oh, i am so sorry!" said hyuck wiping his tears off.

"It's fine, sir lee..." she bowed making her way to the economy section.

The couple returned to their seat and they landed within 5 minutes. 

"WELCOME CANADA!" Jaemin shouted as Renjun hid his embarassed face while haechan just laughed.

~Down The Memory Lane~ lmh:ldhWhere stories live. Discover now