The truth

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Mark was currently walking home as Taeyong and Doyoung had to work late to mark some papers. He sees a boy he saw before but, didn't recognise walk towards him.

"Hi umm Mark?"

"I am Jaemin, Jeno's boyfriend"


"And Donghyuck's friend"


"How about we go to that cafe' over there and talk?" Jaemin suggests. Mark nods as they enter the café. The name of the cafe was LiuChit which Jaemin found weird but thought 'whatever'. They entered the store and saw two cashiers taking orders. Mark and Jaemin got in line.
"Hi, welcome to LiuChit, what would you like?" Asks a sweet voice and mark looks up and smiles.
"Yangyang!" Mark says squishing yangyang's cheeks. Ten from behind comes and pats yangyang's head.
"Hey guys"
"Hey ten"
"What do you guys want? And btw who's this cutie?" Asks ten smirking.
"So, your calling him more cute than me?" Yangyang says sarcastically.
"He may be cute but not as cute as my baby!" Ten says wrapping his arm around yangyang's waist.
"Right... This is Jaemin, one of Jeno's boyfriends and ummm, Jaemin these are 2 of my friends. This is yangyang, he plays basketball as you saw today and this is ten, his boyfriend who also happens to be my bestfriend in class. And they work part-time here."
"Ohhh, hi! I am sorry, jeno will kill me dude-" Ten says panicking. Jaemin blushes flustered, yangyang looks at ten and laughs. Another customer enters. Ten goes to the next counter to take their order. "Can I have the choco chips milkshake?" Jaemin asks Yangyang. "Of course! And for Mark, I am guessing a watermelon cold juice since it's going to rain soon?" Yangyang asks pointing outside. "Heck yeah!" Mark replies giving his card.

Mark has this obsession. When it's going to rain, he drinks a watermelon cold juice. It calms him.

"You don't have to, I will pay!" Jaemin argues holding Mark's hand.
"It's fine, your jeno's boyfriend, you have my made my sad best friend go crazy in love so, it's my pleasure." Mark says as jaemin's lips form a smile. He blushes on the reminder of Jeno's name but shrugs it off.

The two sit in a table near the window. "So, you might not know this, it's haechannie's past..."
"Haechannie?" Mark asks as his jealousy begans becoming visible

"Haechan? What's that?- wait don't tell me, your cheating on me aren't you!"
"No love ofcourse not. Haechan means full sun and you are my full sun."
"What do u mean?"
"Sun shines brightly to make everyone's day. Your kissed by sun and you remind me of sun. So, your my full sun" Mark says
"Aww, thank you baby" Donghyuck says kissing Mark's lips.

"Ohh, don't be jealous! He chose it as his stage name and he told me that it would help him find you after he debuts"
"Find me? What do you mean?"
"Well, uhh, where do I start?-" Jaemin was cut off when ten came handing the drinks over
"Here's your drinks, enjoy babies!" Ten says heading over to yangyang as some customers barge in.

"Well umm... The reason Donghyuck left.. his parents called him for dinner and I am pretty sure you know how they are. So, that day his parents called someone to drug him and he fell unconscious. They took him to Japan and hid his passport and visa and everything so, he wasn't able to go back to Korea at the time. He got help from Sungchan, the boy you saw him with. The two reported his parents and Haechan got his passport back. After getting the passport, Donghyuck immediately left to korea. After reaching, when he went to your apartment and you weren't there he broke down. Sungchan took him to a shop to cheer him and you saw them together and misunderstood. Haechan keeps blaming himself and cries everyday for these 3 years." Jaemin says breathing as he puts the straw in his mouth to drink it. Mark looks shocked at Jaemin. He looks at the time.
"Where is donghyuck's address?"
"It's the ****** hotel. Room no.127 on 7th floor" Jaemin says handing a card over. It was an extra keycard in case of emergency. Mark took it bowed to Jaemin thanking him, took his drink high fives yangyang and ten before running to the hotel.
Cliphangers bishes

"Hyuckie, don't cry baby, please come out to Markie..."
"You fucking kissed another girl Mark?! How can you guarantee you love me?"
"I will prove it to you within 7 days"
"Hello mark~ we have some unfinished business right~?"
"Promise not to leave me!"
"You are still a part of the gang, Mark Lee"
"I can't do this! I am sorry!"

~Down The Memory Lane~ lmh:ldhWhere stories live. Discover now