Day 1

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Donghyuck opened his eyes. The sunlight hit his face. He was about to get up when a hand stopped him and pulled him back down. Donghyuck groans and says "Jaemin, I don't give a shit if you need cuddles- WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Donghyuck says. The voice chuckles and puts his hand on donghyuck's head.
"Do you have a fever that you forgot everything about last night?" The voice says.
"W-what? W-what d-did w-we d-do?" Donghyuck asks stuttering.
"What do you think we did darling?" The owner of the voice says pulling Donghyuck towards him by waist and smirking. Donghyuck doesn't reply and looks at the bare chest of the person and hides his face. "Well, darling... Last night..." The owner of the voice starts explaining as he rubs circles on the younger's back.
"You were drinking when I came here... And I decided to drink with you. You couldn't handle too much alcohol and started dancing... Then we took of our clothes-" the owner of the voice says smirking while flirting.
"THATS ENOUGH MARK!" Donghyuck says.
"And put our PJ's on and we cuddled to sleep.. what do you think we did love?" Mark asks in a flirty tone smirking.
Donghyuck began blushing and pushes Mark off the bed and runs to the washroom and locks the door.
Mark just smiles at the younger and knocks on the bathroom door and says "Babe, I will use the guest washroom and wash up. Your clothes are on the bed." And goes to bath.

After 45 minutes.
The two come out at the same time surprisingly. Mark smiles at the younger while Donghyuck blushes and starts making a sandwich. He took some onions and chillis out and began cutting them. Donghyuck flinches as he feels strong muscular arms wrap around his waist and a sharp chin on his shoulder.
"Babe, you will cut yourself if you cook like this" Mark says near donghyuck's ear. Mark takes the knife and donghyuck's hand and the two began cutting together.

After 30 minutes
They finally finished cooking and headed to college. As soon as they entered, everyone looked at them. They heard whispers everywhere. Suddenly, a hand slaps donghyuck's head.
"YA! DON'T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD TELL ME WHERE YOU WERE ATLEAST?!" a voice says. Donghyuck groans and looks at the owner of the voice when suddenly another hand slaps Mark's head.
"YOU TOO YOUNG MAN!" Says a voice. Whispers were heard everywhere.
"Sorry, doyoung!" Donghyuck says as he receives another slap on the arm.
"Hyung! Ok hyung!" Donghyuck says looking at Doyoung weirdly.
Mark looks at taeyong and bows 90°. "I am sorry hyung!" "I taught you well..." Taeyong says smiling. They all head to class.
Taeyong enters Mark's class and sees doyoung there. He sees doyoung there as well. 
"Ok so, today class we will be having a debate. As doyoung sir here is in charge of Korean department and I am in charge of English department, we decided to collaborate." Taeyong says as everyone claps. Taeyong wraps one arms around doyoung's waist.
"Sir!" A hand raises as everyone looks at the new kid.
"Is it true that you two are married?" A voice asks.
"Yes it is..." Doyoung says shyly as everyone squeals.
"Wait, sir is it true that our class president is your son?" Another voice asks. Taeyong looks proud while Doyoung looks offended.
"He is my brother but he is like a son to me!" Taeyong says flashing a smile.
"Did you just call us old?" Doyoung meanwhile says. The student gulps and everyone laughs.
"Ok so, today, my brother will be joining you all. He is a shareholder of this school at a young age. He is the same age as you and today he will be spectating our class. Please welcome Lee Donghyuck also known as Haechan" doyoung says. Donghyuck enters and flashes a smile and bows 90°. He takes a seat in the last aisle which just happened to be next to MAKGEOLI.
"OMG! YOUR LEE HAECHAN!!" A girl screamed and some squealed. Taeyong slammed his hand on the table causing everyone to quiet down.
"Yes, I am Lee Haechan. My real name is Donghyuck. I prefer Haechan or hyuck. I am a trainee at SM entertainment and will be debuting soon. I am CEO of Lee Corporation in Korea. Nice to meet you all" Haechan says and everyone claps.
After a while, they finish class and mark and donghyuck walk holding hands to lunch. They are and bla bla bla.

After school:
Mark went home and donghyuck went to his home. The two fell asleep as soon as they landed on the mattress.

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