Chapter 1 - Bread for Lunch

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Kim Mingyu caught his pen in time before it fell down, exhaling a small huff of relief as he straightened his sitting posture. He drove his attention back to the teacher, although he perfectly understood the lesson they were reviewing even before it was taught. But he wanted the best grades, so he decided to note important yet random sentences the teacher spoke.

The shrill and piercing sound of the bell rang, indicating lunch break. Mingyu closed his baby blue binder and stuffed it into his backpack before standing up and pushing his chair under the table.

He stretched his arms and let out a yawn. Shortly after, his stomach made a grumbling sound as he slung his backpack over one shoulder. He was definitely hungry.

He was last to walk out of the room, leaving him the duty to turn off the lights and door. He didn't mind, actually. He never minded anything.

Arriving at the bread stall, he picked five plastics of bread of five different flavors up and handed them to the nice lady who he regularly met to pay.

"That'll be ₩10,000."

"Yeah, here." Mingyu pulled out the exact amount stated out of his wallet and handed the money.

"Enjoy." All the breads were packed in one brown paper bag, now handed to him. Mingyu flashed a small smile to her before turning around to walk away.

He was thinking about having his lunch at the rooftop, but that would take 10 minutes of the remaining 20, so he decided not to risk it. He eventually settled to eat it in the class where his next period would be, Algebra.

As he was crossing the bridge to the other part of the building, Mingyu stared down at what was below him. Some of the sceneries even amused him, surprisingly.

But the introvert boy did not notice a caution saying that the floor was wet.

"Whoa!" He fell on his body and dropped his paper bag, two of them spotted to have plummeted to their deaths. If it was possible, that is.

Mingyu struggled to crawl, grabbing the remaining three plastics, carelessly placing them back inside the bag in utter frustration as he ruffled his hair with each plasticized bread he picked up. He was dead hungry.

"Hey, are you alright?" An unfamiliar concerned voice appeared from nowhere. Mingyu shot his head to the source, now blinking a few times at the figure.

He was Mingyu's 'perfect' senior, Lee Jihoon. His hair was dyed blonde the time he entered his sophomore year, 'swooning all the girls in the school' as many of his classmate says. He wasn't very tall, yet he was rather respected from a lot of aspects. People would say that's he's really cool and all, but Mingyu wouldn't know as he never got the chance to talk to the elder.

"Y-Yeah, I'm alright." Mingyu stood up almost immediately, desperately trying to hide the embarrassment of him slipping on the wet tiles.

"I kinda saw that you slipped and your lunch fell, so I was wondering," he revealed what was in his hands slowly, gesturing him to take it. "Maybe you'd want this? You sure got a big appetite there dude, buying five all at once." A tender smile formed across his lips, now stepping a few steps closer; realizing the huge height difference between them.

"Uh, it's okay. I think I'm fine with just three." Mingyu tried to smile back, only to press his lips into a thin line from how close his senior was to him.

Jihoon lightly chuckled, "No you're not. Here, I'm not really that hungry either." He grabbed ahold of Mingyu's right hand and turned it upside down, placing the food on his palm.

Mingyu checked the flavor; it was the one that was out of stock, namely Mingyu's favorite.

"J-Jihoon-sunbaenim, you didn't have to!" Mingyu awkwardly stuttered, although he was really grateful inside for his senior.

"If I give it to you, then it's yours. Got it?" The elder looked at him in the eyes, somewhat annoyed of his constant rejection -although he did have to bend his neck upwards to do so.

Mingyu gave up, nodding with a small smile. "Thanks a lot, Jihoon-sunbaenim."

"You're welcome. And you don't have to call me your sunbae, just call me Woozi." Woozi flashed a sincere eye-smile to him, somehow fond of this junior of his. "Bye. For now."

With that, he turned around and started walking away. The next thing Mingyu knew, the elder had disappeared into the hallways.

He stood there blankly, not knowing why he was too stunned to move. He slowly looked down at his new lunch, then back at the empty hallways.

Mingyu exhaled in a huff, realizing he had been holding his breath in the whole time. He leaned his back on the railing and sunk down with a sigh. He didn't know why he was acting like this.

He's a guy for God's sake, Mingyu thought to himself.

He opened the plastic wrap carefully yet swiftly and took a bite out of it, devouring the delicious taste of the choco-cheese bread.

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