Glory Hole

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The school's bell ringing and all students are heading home. Lincoln packs his belongings into his bag and leaves the classroom. Before he headed out from school building, he wants to relieve himself at the nearest restroom he can find. In the men's restroom, he finds Chandler and his best friend Trent there.

Chandler: "Hey Larry, what's your business here?"

Lincoln: "Just the usual ones like peeing or pooping. Why did you asked?"

Chandler: "I though you are going to use that glory hole in that stall over there(points the alleged bathroom stall from their direction)."

Lincoln: "(Scratching his head)What's a glory hole?"

Trent: "Let me explain. Glory hole is a hole drilled on bathroom stalls which a man can stick his cock and someone else on the other side is free to do anything with it."

Lincoln: "(Puzzled)Like what?"

Trent: "Something like rubbing, blowing, fucking and even anal."

Lincoln: "Wait, I though sex is illegal in our school."

Trent: "Except with that glory hole, as long as you keep your identity secret."

Lincoln: "So sex is actually legal in our school as long as using that hole and without revealing my identity."

Trent: "That is correct(nods at Lincoln)."

Chandler: "Few days ago there was a horny chick who ravaged my cock and drained my balls but too bad I never meet her again. All other chicks are extremely lame compared to her. Some don't even try to swallow when I came in their mouths."

Lincoln: "What about you, Trent?"

Trent: "Nothing really interesting. Just like Chandler said some of them are boring and not worth mentioning."

Lincoln: "Can you show it to me? I can't wait to fuck someone."

Chandler: "Seriously Larry, you're cooler than you looks. Follow me."

Lincoln followed Chandler and Trent to the alleged stall where the glory hole is located. Inside the stall there was nothing remarkable until he noticed something on the left hand side of the stall's wall.

Lincoln: "That doesn't look like a glory hole to me. Plus its too clean for a toilet stall with a glory hole."

Trent: "It cannot be left open all the time and our janitors need to clean it once in an hour if nobody using it."

Trent slides part of the wall opens and reveals a hole which connects to the women's restroom next door.

Lincoln: "(Astonished)Wow! its pretty big and I can see the other side clearly."

Trent: "Of course its pretty big for a glory hole and all cocks of any sizes can go in."

Chandler: "Unfortunately for you man, there's no girl on the other side right now."

Lincoln: "Maybe next time and by the way thanks guys for letting me know about this."

Trent: "You're welcome."

Both Chandler and Trent leaves Lincoln alone in restroom. After finishing his business in the bathroom, he heard someone from the other side walking and into closes the door. Few minutes later he hear some flushes but the person at the other side not leaving the stall yet, as if she is waiting for Lincoln to make the next move.

Lincoln: "(Thinking)Wait, she hasn't leave? Maybe I should stick my cock in that hole if she interested."

Lincoln opens the hole and slowly sticks his erected penis into the hole and at the other side, Mollie were surprised to see such huge penis sticking out of the wall.

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