Bathroom Concerto

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The clock is buzzing and Lincoln lazily reach it and turned it off. He only surprise to see it almost dawn.

Lincoln: "(Suprised)What! It's 6 AM already?! I need to be quick."

He jumped out of his bed, removes his pajamas and put on his bath towel. Then he races to bathroom, hoping no one else using the bathroom. When he almost there, he bumped into his older sister Luna who also heading for the bathroom as well.

Lincoln: "Dang it Luna, don't get in my way!"

Luna: "You're the one who gets in my way, bro!"

Lincoln get back on his feet to restart his race to the bathroom but Luna grabbed his towel which left him exposed and his huge flaccid penis swaying around.

Lincoln: "(Ashamed and covers his crotch)Give me back my towel and stop staring at it, pervert."

Luna: "I think I have a better idea. What if both of us use the bathroom together?"

Lincoln: "Luna, I don't think that was a..."

Before Lincoln could finish his sentence Luna put her hand on his mouth.

Luna: "Shhh, we need to do this quick before anyone else wakes up."

Lincoln nods and the siblings enters the bathroom without making more noises. Inside, Luna is taking off her clothes while Lincoln facing away, still ashamed.

Luna: "You can turn around now, bro."

Lincoln slowly turn around and facing his sister and surprised to see she is naked. He also noticed that she shaved her pubes.

Luna: "How about my body bro? I am sexy enough for you?"

Lincoln: "No, your body is perfect. Though your breasts are smaller than Lori and Leni's. I do like your shaved pubes.

Luna: "(Blushes)It's not shaved but waxed. It was Sam's idea to have it waxed. Painful at first time though now I'm used to it."

Lincoln: "I heard that Lori and Leni waxed too but they prefer to left some pubes, unlike you.

Luna: "I prefer to keep it bald and so does Sam.

After a while Lincoln's penis is now fully erect.

Luna: "Wow! Looks like your dick is ready to rock, bro. Why don't we shower right now?"

Luna and Lincoln went to the tub and start showering together. While showering, Luna can't take her eyes off Lincoln's huge, erected penis.

Lincoln: "Luna, since you can't stop staring at my cock, why don't you help me to wash it?"

Luna: "(Nods)Sure bro."

Luna washes her brother's penis with soap and massaged it little bit. Lincoln can't stop moaning while getting a handjob from his sister. After that she washes the bubbles from his penis with water.

Luna: "Your dick looks delicious, bro. Can I suck it?

Lincoln nods and Luna start licking the entire length of her brother's penis like an ice cream. Then she licks under his foreskin which his legs can't stop trembling. She keep licking his foreskin until his penis is rock hard.

Luna: "That just a warm-up bro. The real event is about to begin."

Luna begin to swallow her brother's penis until it reached back of her throat. As Luna kept sucking, Lincoln reached down with both hands and used his fingertips to toy with Luna's nipples. Then Lincoln hold his sister's head and begin to skull-fuck her. Lincoln couldn't stop thrusting his penis into her throat as she skillfully using her tongue to 'massage' his penis inside her mouth.

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