More Experiment

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Lincoln arrived at his home and only to be greeted by eerie silence. He opened the front and just as expected nobody at the living room. Sometimes the Loud House fails to live up its name.

Lincoln: "(Thinking)Well, Lori probably dating with Bobby, Leni still working at the mall, Luna had a gig with her bandmates, Luan is out for a show, Lynn is having her soccer game, Lucy is hanging out with her fellow goths at cemetery, Lana currently wandering in the landfill and Lola is having another pageant rehearsal. That leaves Lisa and Lily and I believe they still in their room."

Lincoln went upstairs and went to the Lisa and Lily's room and only to be greeted with naked Rita.

Lincoln: "(Surprised)Mom, why you are naked in Lisa's room!"

Lisa: "(In Rita's voice)It's me Lisa. I'm currently using myself as a test subject for my new aging pills."

Despite her great resemblance to her mother there are some differences such as her hair is brown instead of blonde and she wear glasses. Seconds later Lisa reverts back to her original 4-year old form.

Lisa: "(In her original voice)Fortunately that form only lasted for few minutes. I've been working on pills that change me into a teenager or young adult but no success so far."

Lincoln: "So you are working on aging pills so that you and our underage sisters can have sex with me. You're awesome Lisa."

Lisa: "That was my intention."

Lincoln: "Can you give me some of that pills. I can't wait to impress our sisters and other girls with my adult form(imagines himself as a muscular man in his twenties)."

Lisa: "First you need to strip yourself. Your clothes may not fit with your new form."

Lincoln strips himself naked and eat the pill handed by Lisa. Once he swallowed the pill, his bones and muscles grow uncontrollably. Second later his body stops growing and Lincoln look himself at the mirror.

Lincoln: (In Albert's voice)Oh no! This pill turns me into an old man like Pop-Pop. I don't want to be trapped in this form forever!!!"

Lisa: "Worry not, brother. That form only last for few seconds."

Seconds later Lincoln revert back to his 11-years form.

Lincoln: "(Relieved)Whew, I thought I will be trapped in that form forever."

Lisa: "I always stay cautious brother, unlike you. By the way I have more experiments today and this time I need your assistance. I want you to provide me with fresh batch of semen and I will help you to extract it."

Lincoln: "I'm always happy to help you Lisa."

Lisa eat her aging pills and turn into 40-something version of herself and start to massage her brother's penis.

Lisa: "How does you feel by getting a handjob from an older woman, brother?"

Lincoln: "It's great and I can't stop fantasizing about mom."

Lisa: "(In Rita's voice)Don't forget to reward me with your cum, sweetie."

Lincoln's penis gets even bigger and harder when listening to Lisa impersonating Rita's voice. Then Lisa starts sucking her brother's penis.

Lincoln: "Wow, Lisa you're really good at this Lisa."

Lisa's head bobs faster and faster. She even 'massaged' Lincoln's penis with her tongue.

Lincoln: "Fuck! Lisa I'm going to blow!!!"

Lisa: "(Spits out Lincoln's penis)Not yet, sweetheart. Let this thing grow even bigger(massaging Lincoln's cock).

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