February 2016
"We finally get to do commercial shoots!!" Jungkook said with childlike grin.
"We're getting famous my brothers!" Hobi declared.
"I must say the fashion looks very well. This easily trumps over my old uniform." Seokjin adjusted his tie. He was looking forward for the photoshoot.
"Why did you interrupt me from a good nap?" Taehyung yawned.
"Because you were missing today's schedule. You need to sleep earlier next time." Yoongi said bluntly.
"But this is so early... I haven't eaten." Taehyung rubbed his stomach in hunger.
"You've already eaten breakfast. Just wait until the shoot finishes. Bang PD promises to take us out for dinner." Yoongi replied trying to comfort Taehyung.
"I'm excited to hear your part. I hear they made a separate commercial." Jimin said looking extra handsome with his sides fade that Junny started.
Junny had nearly the exact same hairstyle. He wore the same maroon blazer school uniform. He left it open similar to his old SOPA uniform he has placed in his drawer.
BTS launched an ad campaign with SK Telecom to promote school products and etiquettes. Junny was advertised as the ideal Overseas Korean who moved to his mother country and did exceptional as an exchange student.
"Hello I'm Junny and I transfered here from Canada. When I need some good supplies SK is the way to go. I always packed my supplies with a durable bookbag, a packer of pencils, nootbooks, index cards, highlighters, erasers, and a sharpener." Junny showed a maroon bookbag, a packet of pre sharpened pencils and notebook to list a few.
When I need to focus I listen to some ambience music to help with studying. Just the peace and quiet helps me retain information for whatever pop quiz comes my way. The key to success is to have supplies available. You want to know why I possess good grades? I come to class prepared and you should too!!" Junny said from personal experience. He stood next to Jimin looking at a sports trophy ending the commercial shoot.

Junny: BTS's Canadian Music Prodigy
FanfictionRaised in Canada, Hyeongjun was interested in the world of music. On a stunt to a local talent show at a local mall, he caught the eye of Bang PD who was impressed by the boy's vocal abilities. Seeing it as a new career opportunity, he takes the cha...