Chapter 5

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Twenty. My mate just turned twenty today. Well, that explains the fact she didn't recognize me when I stepped into the bar. She was young, two years younger than me. Not only that, we knew her name—Skye.

A perfect name for a perfect mate.

Fang and I helped the others last night to set up all the rides. Once we were done, I went to my tent and tried to get some sleep, which never came. Fang was up most of the night, wanting to see our mate.

When the sun came up, we were already up and dressed. We wanted to see her again. We left the campsite with a few members up and ready. They were making sure everything was set up and working. No music was on, but they just wanted to check most of the rides worked.

I walked over to the cafe and grabbed some coffee with a muffin. Walking around this small town, it had a few nice features, such as the fountain in the middle. There were a variety of stores around, but nothing with brand names.

Our little fair doesn't exactly go visiting big towns since there is usually nowhere to for us to set up, or they tell us no and we move on to another town as they don't want to have us there. It's astonishing how many times they reject us.

Noticing a bench on the far side of the town, I walked over and sat for a while. Watching all the humans go about their day. I find them fascinating. As werewolves, we do the same things as they do, but they seem to like to make more of an effort, whereas we get on with it and move on to the next project.

I don't know how long I sat for, but I smelled her scent, which woke Fang up. He moves in my head and comes closer to look. I followed where my nose smelled her and there she was, walking like she was on a mission.

My eyes stayed on her while not moving from the bench. I watched her walk into a store and was in there a long time. I was going to get up and walk over when she stepped outside with a bag.

"Wonder what she had in there?" Fang muttered, staring at her.

I ignored him and watched as she walked into the cafe where we had our coffee. Moving up, I knew she may either walk back to her building again or somewhere else. I had to move so I could get a better view.

My mate came out with a box in her hand and walked away. I took a few steps but jumped out of the way when she stopped abruptly. I stayed behind the fountain but looked around to see her look around. Her nose was in the air. Did she scent us?

Fang whined, wanting to get closer, but part of me wanted to know where she was going.

When she carried on, we followed her and knew she was going back to the building where she lived. We walked over to the forest line like last night and hid. When she stilled, I knew she could sense us again. But the old lady from the other day stopped her. Fang and I listened to their conversation.

When she mentioned it was her birthday today and she was twenty, I knew that earlier it was our scent she picked up. I listened in more to what her plans were and when she mentioned the fair; I knew that was where we were going to introduce ourselves.

Fang wasn't too thrilled, but he knew if we did it where we felt more comfortable, it may help her see we weren't a threat.

Once she headed inside, we headed back to the fair where Jacob and Matilda were waiting for me. Stepping out from the side of my tent, they smiled. Matilda was holding some roses, while Jacob was holding a watch. They both looked up at me and smiled. "Well, is she—" Matilda said.

"She turned twenty today," I blurted out, cutting her off. Both of them stood with their mouths wide open while I continued. "I saw her talk to that old lady and listened to her tell her. She should be here at the fair later."

Jacob still had his mouth wide open, while Matilda smiled. "Well, that is fascinating," she said. "How to have your birthday on the most romantic time of year must be so lovely."

I grinned, knowing that from here on out, I would make every birthday and Valentine's day special for Skye.

Fang agreed.

Jacob agreed after he recovered, after receiving an elbow from Matilda in the ribs. Rubbing his side, he chuckled. "So, what have you got planned to win her over?" he asked. "You have the day off. We will open soon. Maybe you should walk around and help with a few things until you find her."

"That might be a plan," I said with a smile.

Matilda giggled.

"Well, you will need to dress the part, though," she said. "Place something tidy on. You need to dress up a little."

I frowned. I hated dressing up, but I knew what I was going to wear.

"I'm going to get ready," I muttered. "I will see you later."

They both nodded and said goodbye. I walked into my tent and got ready. There was no point in messing about. I knew I could help some others till she came here.

I found what I was going to wear and quickly got dressed. A nice pair of blank pants with a white shirt. I wore the same shoes as I usually do and placed a jacket. It looked too good for a job at the fair, but some nights Louis usually like all of us to do one night in really nice clothes, which was an enormous hit.

After I was dressed and made sure I looked good and also had Fang's approval. I headed out of my tent. While walking past a few of the guys, they whistled, which I ignored. This wasn't for them, it was for our mate and later this evening they will know about her.

For the next few hours, I walked around helping anyone who needed it. I kept glancing at my watch to find that time had gone away with me. People had walked in and started to enjoy themselves.

Leaving the one ride, I walked away and looked around. A few members of the fair were working with their mates, or even with some new members that joined after the war, but no one was alone, all except me.

Walking around aimlessly, a scent wafted toward me, which wasn't too far, and I knew who it was. Fang sprung into action and came close while I stopped to locate her. My eyes went around the fairground until it landed on a perfect sight—my mate.

My cock hardened while I took in what she was wearing. A black dress that went to the middle of her thighs, and it showed off her curves. She wore her blonde hair in a braid like earlier. Damn, she looked perfect.

I felt someone stand by the side of me, but my eyes were on my mate. I knew it was my brother. "Introduce yourself," he murmured. I said nothing and moved through the crowd to catch up with her.

Once I was close enough, I watched as she stopped. Her nose went to the air, while I walked closer to her and placed my hand on her waist, which sent tingles right through every part of my body. My mate tensed while I leaned into her. Her scent calmed Fang down, while I leaned close to her ear to tell her the word I longed to say since being here in this small town.

"Mate," I whispered, while my hand tightened around her waist and pulled her to me. "Let me see your pretty face."

Slowly my mate twisted around till her gorgeous blue eyes gaze landed on mine.

Fuck, she was stunning up close and personal. All the blood that was running through my veins went straight to my lower parts while she stared. Her eyes widened.

"Mate," she whispered, which only made me grin at her.

Finally, she's mine.

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