two | larusso luxury motors

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How do I get myself into this shit?

We've been in The Valley a week and already I'm starting shit with dibshit punks outside some rich car dealership in the better part of town. A part of town I shouldn't even be in, in the first place.

A midnight skateboarding escapade away from Miles' drunkenness and Dad's absence somehow resulted in another fight to be roped into.

Go figure!

It would have been easy to walk away. It should have been. But I got a fucked up mind and something in my bones is itching for a fight. They're jerks, ganging up on some employee probably working the night shift. At least that's what I figure by looking at the kid.

Their victim is around my age, with long brown hair that curls behind his ears and looks super dumb. His shirt reads LaRusso Luxury Motors. His name; Robby.

I'm glad my own hair is wrapped into a ponytail right now because these two guys seem like dirty fighters.

"Let's not make this harder than it needs to be, fellas," I smirk.

I intervened right when the two punks took a cheap shot at the boy. Up until then, he was holding his own alright. All things considered...

"Who does this girl think she is?" The first, one with idiotic camo pants, asks, buffing out his chest to appear tougher.

He doesn't fool me. Anyone who tries to put up a tough front is weaker than they appear. That much I know.

My head tilts to the side. "You wanna find out?"

The second boy begins to laugh. He looks like a stoner from where I'm standing. Even in the dim light. I wonder briefly if that's why they're beating up the kid, Robby. Because of drugs or some shit like that. It's always the pretty rich boys that owe money.

In a beat, the first boy lunges at me. He's older, definitely, but I've fought worse. I've had my ass handed to me by worse.

I block his fist, kicking him in the gut instead. He staggers back, while Robby and the other guy's eyes widen.

"Well don't just stand there!"

I ready my hands and fix my stance as Stoner Boy charges at me with about as many brain cells as a bull seeing red. I duck under his swing with the agility I've gained over the years, hooking his arm with mine and kicking him in the side of the ribs with my heel. Hard.

He falls to the pavement with a deep grunt, clutching his side. The other steps back, his jaw loosening. I smirk, lifting my hand and bringing back my arm while widening my stance and flexing my fingers to taunt him forward. Luckily, he takes the bait.

He doesn't get more than a few feet when my leg flies up and I kick him in the jaw. He goes down, landing on his back with such a sickening thud it makes even me wince.

The two boys groan, rolling around on their backs at my feet. I resist rolling my eyes. Robby leans against the wall, holding his chest but he watches me with wide eyes as I turn in the light shining down on me.

Stoner Boy and Camo Pants scramble together, looking up at me from the ground.

"Nowhere to run. Except away, boys." I muse because I've already won and we all know it. "And there's certainly nowhere to hide." I jerk my finger up to the camera blinking with a red light behind me. It's captured this all on video including their shocked faces.

They rise in sync, using each other to help themselves get up. Stoner Boy glares at the boy behind me. "You better watch your ass. You and your little girlfriend." He seethes before they scurry away.

I nearly laugh as I turn to the kid. My face scrunches. He's pushed his longish hair off his face and behind his ears, revealing his pale green eyes. His lip is cut with a trickle of blood drying on his chin and there's a nasty bruise in the making on his cheek and probably more under his shirt.

He watches me as I step toward him, holding out a hand. "Take it, punk, I don't have all night." I glare when he doesn't accept my hand immediately.

He does now, and I pull him up as he hisses, placing a hand on his chest where Stoner Boy kicked him before I stepped in.

I bite my lip, stifling a laugh as I look him over. "Hard to breathe?" He doesn't have to answer for me to know. I allow a smile to slip. "Yeah... You'll be fine. Give it a minute."

Robby looks up at me, struggling to breath regularly. The light reflects in his eyes, making them twinkle. "How'd you do that? I—"

"It's Taekwondo," I tell him before he can start the whole 'i've never seen that before' ramble.

"I—..." He pauses. "I thought that was Karate."

"No. It's not. They're different." I say, attempting to turn away, but he stops me.

"W-wait! Why? Why'd you do that for me?"

"I don't like dickless pricks."

My statement makes Robby laugh as he extends a hand to me. "I'm Robby."

"I know." I glance at the name on his shirt. "It says it right there."

He blinks. "Oh! Yeah... right. What's your name?"

Now it's my turn to laugh. "Not one you need to know, haircut." His hand flies up to his hair, making me laugh again. While he pats his hair, I turn away. However, I only get a few steps before he's at my side.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that for me."

I glare at him. "Of course, I didn't. You were holding your own for a moment there. Should have let them kick your ass."

His gaze falls. "But you didn't."

I pause once we reach the grass on the other side of the car lot. "Do you want something more from me, pretty boy?" I quiz. "I'm not your friend, I'm not your girlfriend. I don't know you nor do I like you. What I did back there, I did because I hate bullies. So don't get your panties in a twist about it, alright?"

I strut across the grass to the street on the other side, flipping my skateboard over with my foot. The whole time I feel Robby's eyes on me. Following me the whole time as I step aboard and push off.

He thinks I can't hear him, but I can when he says, "See you around, firecracker."

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