six | distractions

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Someone pounds on the door so loud I can hear it down the hall and over Miles' loud '80s rock music. Ignoring it, I go back to what I was doing before, that is, duck-taping my broken stakeboard. I was trying to do a trick earlier this morning when I landed too hard and snapped the top off.

The movers finally came the other day, and we've spent the whole weekend setting up the house. Now that I have a bed and the other things one furnishes their room with, I'm more than content.

However, the thorn in my side, Miles. He's taken it upon himself to set up his workout equipment in his bedroom and conveniently placed a speaker near the wall closest to mine. I wish Dad was here to tell him to stop, unfortunately, he's off at his new job.

The person banging on the door only gets more persistent, making me groan. I hear something heavy thud in the next room over.

"Rhys, are you getting that?!" Miles screams through the thin plaster and over his music as if it's my sole task in life to answer the door whenever it's being knocked on.

I throw the skateboard onto my bed. I'll deal with it later. "Okay!"

My door slams behind me as I furiously swing it open and stomp down the hall to where the knocking is only growing more agitated.

"What?" I hiss my own irritation seriously misdirected.

Robby winces, his eyes narrowing as he puts his hand over his chest in mock hurt. "I know, I'm not your favorite person in the world, Firecracker, but would it kill you to be a little nicer?"

"What are you doing here? You can't—" My glare and threatening tone soften when hurt overtakes his gaze. I sigh. "Listen, Robby, you shouldn't be here rig—"

"Who's at the door, Rhys?!" Miles' voice echoes down the hall.

"Shit!" I push Robby out of the door. "Go around back, my bedroom window's on the other side of the house." I direct, pushing him away and slamming the door in his face.

"Who the hell were you talking to?"

I turn to face Miles. He stands in the doorframe, his tank top and dark curls damp with sweat. His eyes narrowed, focused on me in a cold glower. I spot the beer bottle in his hand and grimace.

"Jehovah's Witness," I say without missing a beat. It's a lame lie, but it's the best I can come up with, with my heart thumping against my chest. It's so loud I'm sure Miles can hear it when I attempt to brush by him.

He catches my arm and my breath catches as I turn to face him. "Jehovah's Witness?" He smirks in disbelief.

I nod, holding my head high and standing my ground. "Talkative bunch. I told them to fuck off."

I pull out of his grasp, stepping around him and into the hall. As I do, I listen to the door swing open and I hear Miles' give an exasperated huff. Since no yelling or screaming follows, I assume Robby has taken my advice and disappeared around back.

The second I'm in my room, I sigh in relief, pressing my back to the door behind me. My eyes shut and I brush a hand through my dark locks. I don't know what would happen if Robby was dumb enough to stay standing outside my front door. Well... he'd probably be introduced to Miles' fists.

Although he doesn't particularly like me, Miles hates when I'm around boys. Two towns ago, he almost ran over one just for talking to me after school. Overprotective isn't the way I'd describe him, but Dad is constantly nagging him to keep an eye on me, so I guess he doesn't want to let him down or something.

Tap, tap!

My eyes spring open and I rush to the window, pushing it up. Robby stares up at me, leaning and crossing his arms on the window sill.

"So, you gonna tell me why I had to sneak around the house?"

I shush him. Quickly, I lace up my chucks and throw on a thin jacket before snatching up my skateboard. "Move," I say quietly.

Once he does, I pass my skateboard out the window and throw my legs out. Robby smiles up at me, grabbing my waist to help me down as I support myself on his shoulders. He lowers me onto the grass, my heart thumping hard against my ribs.

I look up at him, staring into his pale irises. They're like shards of seafoam-hued ocean glass. Icy, pale, stunning shades of sea green. I hold my breath.

Tell me why my heart speeds around him and why I feel the velvet tips of butterfly wings brush my heart when I see his face. God, what is wrong with me? I've never been like this around a boy before...

My mother had no love for me or she wouldn't have left.

Miles has hated me my whole life.

He betrayed me...

I remind myself and shove Robby away with both hands. "Back off." I snap, my tone firey.

His eyes narrow but he makes no attempt to argue as I look up through my window to make sure the coast is clear. I nod to him. "Let's get outta here before Miles realizes I'm gone."

Robby nods, a smirk making his lips turn up as if he just persuaded me to do something big and dangerous. We run to the curb, throwing down our boards and pushing off in the direction opposite the front door and Miles' window. I ride awkwardly as I balance my weight toward the back of my board, but Robby and I move in sync. We speed down the street and around the corner, up onto the sidewalk, and past the strip mall.

By now, we're far enough away to slow down.

I can't help glancing at Robby from the corner of my eye as we go in the most certain direction of the skate park. I admire him— not like that... Showing up to my house unannounced is certainly a feat especially if Miles were the one to have answered the door.

"So..." I trail, sparing him a glance, "You need something? Or is almost getting me in trouble your idea of fun?"

Robby laughs, pushing his hair behind his ears. "Didn't know I'd be getting you in trouble... Was that your brother?" He seems almost hesitant to ask, but I understand why.

"Yeah," I sigh, only attempting to laugh it off. "He's a piece of work."

"Yeah... What's his deal?"

"Uh, he hates me," I say flatly. Robby's eyes widen but I shrug. "Don't pity me. I've only dealt with him all my life."

His gaze softens as he clears his throat. "Sorry, I just showed up at your house like that." He seems genuine.

I shrug. "Knock on my window next time. And I needed the distraction anyway."

"Me too..." The confession takes me off guard. I look over at him, but he's staring at the sidewalk, his gaze fixed.

"You mean?" I push as we stop for a green light.

Now Robby looks at me. It takes him a minute, but he sighs. "My Sensei, Mr. LaRusso, he won't teach me anymore because of my dad."

I hum, nodding as the light changes and we're allowed to cross. "Why? What's wrong with your father...?"

Robby grimaces and suddenly all the dots connect. Vuegly, I remember the burning glint in Robby's eye when Sam brought up Miguel's sensei the other day. Now, I see the same look, only fueled with more resentment.

"Oh, shit!" I say before I can stop myself, "Miguel's sensei is your father, isn't he?"

"I—... you pieced that together quick." He chuckles weakly, looking away from me.

I smirk. "It's a talent," I tell him, digging my foot into the pavement to go faster. "Come on, slowpoke. Race you there."

Robby smiles, speeding up beside me. "Challenges accepted, firecracker."

My heart flutters.

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑,𝑐𝑜𝑏𝑟𝑎 𝑘𝑎𝑖Where stories live. Discover now