eight | it all comes down

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Robby knocks out his first few fights with skill; making it look easy. I gotta say I'm impressed. Whatever that lame-ass 'karate' he pulled at the dealership was, it doesn't compare to this.

He blocks expert-level punches with ease, acts against attacks with unmatched strategy, and puts up one hell of a defense. However, through the defense he was taught, I spot hints of a style that is completely his own. A slightly more aggressive aegis than the average, but everyone has a thing that sets them apart from their opponent.

For Robby, I spot a few street-worthy hits mixed in with his technique.

I swear, whenever Robby gets a point, Mr. LaRusso jumps a bit in victory. I watch him closely one round when Keene racks up two points, and the man pumps a fist with pride.

Robby being his former student, I know the sensei still wants the boy to win regardless of how mad they might be at each other at the moment.

Robby knocks out his next fight, granting him a place in the semis. When the ref raises his hand in victory, Robby can't push back the grin developing on his face, and he finds my eye within the crowd.

I give him a curt nod of reassurance; one that would go unnoticed if he weren't looking close enough. But he is. Of course, he is. The smile on his face grows.

"I'll be right back," Sam tells us once the quarter-finals end with some girl losing to Xander Stone; last year's champion. I watch her leave.

She had to leave me with her family.

I chill uncomfortably between the girl's parents. They're not bad people, but adding to the list of things I hate, parents are surely up there.

"Let's give it up for all of our competitors!" The announcer speaks. His voice is beginning to give me a headache. "Now, there can be only one true winner, and he is standing on this stage right now. Will it be, Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?"

The audience cheers for him. Based on his matches, Miguel is a good fighter. A little textbook, but a ruthless competitor nonetheless. If Robby faces him, he's going to have to come up with something more than just his defensive style.

"Will it be Hawk..." He hesitates a beat, "Well, I guess it's just 'Hawk' from Cobra Kai Karate?"

Again, another good fighter. A loose cannon definitely, and unpredictable at best. He's one to look out for.

"Will it be Robby Keene, unaffiliated?"

A few more people than before clap this time. If anything, he's gained some spotlight from this dance. For the first time, I clap along, while Robby bows out of respect for the crowd. When he comes back up, his eyes search the crowd once again until he finds me.

Heat sears my cheekbones. Thank God for Latino blood as it dulls the pinkish hues.

"And finally, but certainly not least, last year's champion, fighting out of Topanga, Xander Stone!"

The kid does a back handspring once his name is announced, making the crowd go crazy. I guess it's a thing only the previous champions do. He takes the microphone from the announcer's hand, proceeding to give a speech about hatred and equality, that I block out entirely.

After a moment of silence that goes on for far too long, the announcer plucks the mic from Xander's hand.

"All right! First up, Stone versus Diaz!"

Everyone cheers as the fight gets underway. Both competitors jump straight to it. They go at each other like dogs, exchanging kicks, punches, blocks, and ducks. Their senseis shout encouragement from the sidelines, and beside Mrs. LaRusso, Xander's mom goes crazy.

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