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I felt my stomach growl and looked up, realizing how late it was getting.

Pasta night is one of my favorites.  The scent of marinara sauce and garlic wafted through my office and I was excited to eat.

"Daddy hungry?" my little girl asked, her bright green eyes finding mine as she looked up from the picture she was coloring.  I couldn't help but smile.

I nodded, "Yep, are you?"

"Yep. Willow so hungry."

I chuckled and let out a sigh as Callum mind linked me with the update that Liam and Olivia Anderson had arrived. He confirmed he would be at the office so he could chat with Liam and I was relieved they were finally here.

Being a leader is not as easy as it seemed when I was younger.

I spent years preparing to be an Alpha.  Callum, John, and I grew up together and were thick as thieves our entire childhoods.  Choosing a Beta and Gamma is a huge decision for someone in my position.  Your Beta is your right hand and next in line, the man who will support with strength.  A Gamma's role is more nuanced.  He also helps run the pack but is more in tune with your Luna.  All of us work as a team to ensure the safety, security, and livelihood of each soul in our territory.

My Dad always refused to host training camps in our pack, even though we have a large training ground and plenty of space for visitors.  He was a selfish man that just wanted more power and more land.  Our pack suffered thanks to his choices but I have worked hard to improve our sense of community.

John and Callum attended training camps held at other packs so I could hold down the fort here.  Leaving just wasn't an option, especially once my daughter was born, but I also couldn't trust anyone else to handle pack matters.

When my parents died it was a struggle to catch my breath. Not long after I was a single Dad with a newborn, a giant pack to lead, and no Luna at my side.

It was good I never mated with Willow's egg donor, though. She was only a hookup but I regretted ever cheating on the mate bond.  My future Luna deserves more than that.  After the relationship ended in abandonment I swore off women, focusing on the life I needed to build so my little girl feels safe and secure.

There are a few shewolves in the pack that don't take No for an answer, but I do my best to keep things clear so they know I am waiting for my mate.

I've made enough mistakes in my life. Anyone but the woman the Goddess created for me would be more trouble than they are worth.

A knock at the door startled me and Willow looked scared, gasping as she scooted from her chair near my desk and into my lap.  She has a small table where she likes to color when she stays in here with me, a constant supply of crayons and coloring books always at the ready along with plain drawing paper.  I noticed the picture she had been working on as I pulled her into my arms.

Stick figures of a man, woman, and little girl.

The family she wants.

My daughter is skittish around others but there is not much I can do about that. We don't get many visitors and Willow has never left pack grounds.  She hasn't even been in a car.  There was no need to go anywhere and I had an easier time protecting her from the pack house.

She deserves more, but I had no idea how to give that to her.

"Come in," I announced, watching as the door opened and Liam Anderson greeted me with a smile.  I recognized him from photos the guys took at training camps but was impressed at how tall and built he is in person.  Makes sense, considering this man has spent the last 25 or so years traveling to work with warriors across the country.

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