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Alex apologized profusely after our in depth talk, sharing how upset he is about the way I have been treated.  His honesty reminded me I can trust him.

The fact that my Dad was so abusive for most of my life will probably always make him furious.  I insisted things had changed and while he knows I am right there is a piece of my mate that wants to beat the shit out of my Dad at least once. I am not sure I can blame him. Maybe at training they can spar against one another so Alex can get out some of the aggression racing through his body.

I will probably always carry the scars from my childhood, but seeing Alex slide into a role of protector warmed my heart. He truly wants the best for me and will fight to make sure we have a healthy relationship.

We stayed put for the evening and decided to order pizza. Both of us are exhausted after little sleep and a lot of stress but I was also excited to relax with our friends. Alex invited Cal, Meg, John, Kara, and my Dad to join us which meant this was our first gathering at our new home.  Naturally Willow came along and had a backpack so she could leave some books in her room.

"She kept saying she needs to move her bed and toys so she can live at her new house," Kara shared with a bright grin.  "Your plan worked without a hitch, Livvy! Willow was going on and on about her big house and frigator."

"I'm so glad she loves it here," I grinned while grabbing Willow's sippy cup and washing it quickly then filling with milk.

The toddler was beaming while Alex held her and chatted with Callum. "Ready for pizza, Princess?" he asked.

Willow nodded, "I so hungry!"

We chuckled at her enthusiasm as she dragged Kara upstairs to look at her room. It is amazing to watch her grow so much in such a short amount of time. The shy toddler is morphing into a social butterfly.

My Dad arrived with Bonnie and I grinned as they walked hand in hand toward our home.  Alex came closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.  "I promise, Liv... I promise I will always keep you safe."

His words meant more than I could say so I relaxed into his embrace and let out a shaky sigh.  "I'll always protect you, too."

"Good.  You're stronger than I am."

I chuckled then turned to stare into his green eyes and study if he was teasing.

Alex is being completely serious.

My breath caught at the conviction in his words. This man who leads a giant pack will stop at nothing to make sure I know I am valued and appreciated. He has been attentive, respectful, and willing to open up. You can't prevent communication mishaps but at least I can rest easier knowing my mate will fight to make sure we treasure our bond.

We welcomed my Dad and Bonnie into our home and once John arrived with dinner began passing out paper plates and grabbing beers.  I handed one to Kara with a smirk and she hid a smile before taking a sip then recoiling.

"If this is what I have to look forward to with alcohol then I'm gonna pass," she said with a grimace.

John laughed and took the beer from her, draining half in one gulp while I handed her a Dr. Pepper.  "You'll get used to it, Kara."

"Or we can just have Champagne so you get the fun of a little alcohol with better taste," Meg suggested, sipping a Ginger ale. "Oh, actually maybe we can do a wine tasting sometime! That would be a fun girls day."

Callum laughed at his mate, then shook his head. "Once this baby is born you gals can let loose."

"If none of us are pregnant, at least," Kara said under her breath while side eyeing me.

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