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"Anna, your daughter is so strong!" I smiled at my friend as she sat up from the hospital bed with her mate's help.  "Thank you for coming in today so I can get to know you a bit better and check on your sweet girl."

"No, thank you, Livvy.  I have been so anxious to meet you so the fact that you made the time to see us on your first full day here was so kind," she said softly, while Caleb wrapped his arm around her waist.  "We will keep in touch and let you know when things change but for now it seems like we have a little time."

We chatted a bit more while walking to the hospital entryway and I waved as they headed home. After taking a deep breath I returned to my office.

Getting settled into a new hospital is always a big task.  Every pack hospital is arranged differently and I need the chance to see where storage rooms are, how to use their electronic or paper medical records, and just get used to the way things run on a daily basis.

Doctor Spencer is someone I have worked with a number of times in the past.  He traveled between a few packs for years before getting a contract to move here when Alex became Alpha. It is a relief that at least I am familiar with the guy in charge, especially since we work well together. He already made a few changes based on previous conversations we had which helped me feel even more comfortable in a new place.

There is now a streamlined trauma bay set up like an Emergency room, laptops with a secure electronic medical records program up to date, and even a break room with a full kitchen so we can whip up meals when needed. Doc let me know that Bonnie is always willing to bring food over so there is a steady supply of meals available when things are busy. He knows firsthand how I will focus on work until forced to step away. Having creature comforts like sandwich supplies and a couch in my office make me feel even more like this is really home.

I checked my email one more time before tucking everything I need in my backpack, including my laptop and a few rolls of Kinesiology tape.  At training this morning it was obvious a number of warriors struggle with muscle soreness so I could easily tape them up to support those problem areas and hopefully prevent further injury.

Being proactive is only possible if I'm prepared.  Meg and Callum stopped by earlier so we had a quick checkup then got a sonogram of their baby boy.  She has a bit longer before her delivery date than Anna, but sharing those moments with my friends made my heart feel light.

Then again, babies come when they want to. Due dates are not exactly set in stone.

After grabbing the box of herbal tea I promised George I made my way to Doc's office to ask for directions. Alex and I chatted a bit through mind link but I was eager to see him. It was a relief that he did not mind touching base and showed me nothing but support when I needed to focus.

"Hey, Doc? Can you point me towards George's home?  I am going to take him some chamomile and turmeric tea before getting back to the pack house for dinner."

The older man grinned then closed his laptop with a nod. "I'll walk you there.  He and his mate, Lydia, live near my mate and I. It's a good time for me to head home for dinner anyway."

We discussed a few hospital changes he wanted to make on our walk and after about 5 minutes he gestured toward a beautiful home set behind a bank of trees. Once we said our goodbyes, I knocked on the door and George answered with bright grin on his face.

"Olivia!  Welcome... let me introduce you to my love, Lydia."

He gestured to usher me inside while an older woman with graying hair pulled back in a bun stood from their couch. The house was a log cabin style with exposed rafters and a hunting lodge feel.

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