Author's Note/Prologue

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Hey, readers!

I have been on a bit of a paranormal romance kick over the last year and decided to finally give this genre a shot.  In the books I have read there are a lot of different perspectives on the lore of Werewolves. 

Since I am aware not everyone reads Paranormal stories, this is a bit of a super basic intro so you have a grasp on the world in which these characters live.  It is not intended to talk down to anyone, especially since I am absolutely not an expert on this style of story, but I wanted to make sure a few details were known before diving in.


In this alternate reality, Werewolves live amongst humans in packs.  These communities are led by the Alpha, a male wolf that is either born into the role (as the firstborn son of the previous Alpha and Luna) or given the responsibility if there is no natural successor.  Wolves can shift from their human form to wolf form, but their wolf side can press forward and show themselves at times as well.  This can manifest in eyes changing to black, human form growing, or claws extending.  A balance is struck between these two sides.  They have a symbiotic relationship where the wolf ensures safety in a mutually beneficial way with their human form

Werewolves speak to one another through something known as mind link.  This is a psychic connection that allows them to communicate in both human and wolf form.  Wolves have a heightened sense of smell as well as tracking abilities and enhanced strength.  They use their instincts but this is not always a good thing.

They receive their wolves when they turn 13, shifting for the first time then getting to know this new part of their identity.

Wolves are granted a soulmate by the Moon Goddess, their deity that blesses each with a dynamic connection to someone designed specifically for them.  Their mates scent is alluring and everything about this partner is crafted to their wants and needs.  A bond forms which tethers them to one another and gives the ability to read your mates thoughts as well as see all their memories.  Mates also have a radar of sorts so they can determine where their partner is at any given time.  The only way around this is to place a block in your mind, effectively stopping that connection until the block is taken away.

Mates can connect when both are at least 18 years old. In some cases a male wolf knows his mate before she comes of age. Your 18th birthday is a milestone for each wolf, especially since your mate completes your soul.

Once you find your mate there is an instant bond, but another step is needed to fully consecrate the relationship. 


Being marked happens during sex.  The partners bite one another's necks and in doing so create matching scars which are a sign they are taken.  Wolves are extremely protective over their mates, especially once marked.  That becomes even more intense when children (pups) are born.  Once marked the bond is stronger but that does not mean mates are unable to hurt or betray one another.  Trust is still necessary to have a healthy relationship.

While a fated mate, the one the Moon Goddess creates for you, is an ideal partnership, wolves have the opportunity to choose their mates as well.  A mate bond can be rejected by their designated partner in favor of someone they feel is a better fit.  Maybe it's due to a pre-existing relationship or an arranged partnership to strengthen alliances.  In some cases wolves form bonds between one another and choose to become mates, similar to how humans work with dating and marriage.

The Alpha has wolves in their pack that help him lead the community.  He is able to maintain power both due to his strength and an aura which Alpha's have that radiates from their body.  This allows him to keep things safe for his pack.  Pack members typically respect their Alpha and want to work together so everyone has a peaceful life.

A Beta is their second in command, typically focused on safety and training warriors to patrol as well as protect their pack members.  Beta's are strong, agile, and the strongest warrior in the pack.  They assist with training other wolves as well as assisting the Alpha with running day to day duties.

The Gamma has the responsibility to be a sounding board for Alpha.  He may not always agree but will speak up so leadership thinks critically about the decisions they need to make.  Gamma's are also extremely in tune with the Luna so will encourage the relationship of an Alpha with his mate.  This connection is the foundation on which a pack thrives.  While all leadership will work to foster the Alpha and Luna's connection, the Gamma has a special role as confidante for the Luna.

A Delta is the fourth role and his job is to work alongside the Beta with pack members as well as run point for patrol.  Part of protecting the pack is having warriors consistently checking territory borders for rogues (wolves without a pack) and any other possible threats.  While many packs have allies that support one another there is always the chance for an attack.  This could happen due to another Alpha choosing to usurp power or attempting to take over for their own gain.  Some packs do not respect women/shewolves, delegating them to roles in the kitchen or at home.  Others allow women the chance to train as warriors as well as take part in leadership.

An Alpha is mated to the Luna.  She is the heartbeat of their pack, drawing members together while shouldering the responsibility of guiding women and children.  Luna's have a large role, especially considering the fact that an Alpha has so much power.  They need to be willing to work alongside their mate as a team.  While a pack can exist without a Luna, over time that strain wears on pack members.  Dissention tends to rise and an undercurrent of anxiety can be more common if there is no Luna to help guide pack members.


I know this is not the same lore that some of you are accustomed to and apologize in advance for mistakes I may have made in the structure of this world.  If nothing else I have tried to be consistent with what I have built.  There may be other details I forgot to mention in this intro so if you have questions along the way feel free to leave a comment.  I hope to write more stories from this universe so we shall see how it goes!

As far as trigger warnings, this book will discuss themes of violence, abuse (physical and emotional), and abandonment.  My books are typically PG-13 due to language but since werewolves are pack animals with a high sex drive this story will have a bit more spice than usual.  Nothing extremely explicit, as I am not comfortable writing full on smut, but I wanted you to have a heads up for those moments since it will be more than you are used to if you have read my other books.

Thank you for giving this book a chance.  At this time I have over 20 chapters ready and just need to wrap a few things up at the end so that should mean my binge readers won't have to wait too long to dive in.  I've been playing with the characters over the last 6 months or so and decided to finally take the plunge so I can share this story.  I plan to post daily (depending on the length of each chapter) and hope you enjoy. 

X Lizzy Pelton

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