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Willow fell asleep on the couch after we read a few books in front of the fireplace.  I had all my work tied up so Olivia and I would get some time alone tonight once our toddler was in bed.  Being in our home and settled was better than I dreamed.  

Dinner was incredible.  Watching my mate as she moved around with confidence warmed my heart.  She spent a long time making sure we had everything needed, working on the house as much as possible between training and the hospital while focusing on me when we had the chance.

Everything is a balancing act but I know we will continue growing closer.

Tomorrow morning after our waffle breakfast Kara will take Willow to play at the pack house.  We need to be there around lunch time to greet Violet but that will allow us a few hours together without any responsibilities.

I leaned back on the couch while Willow softly snored and looked toward my mate.  Her eyes were shining as she stared at the fire, a peace between us that was appreciated.  We devoured the cookies she baked earlier after whipping up chicken sandwiches for dinner.  It was incredible both to eat something my mate fixed for us and to truly see what this new freedom really means.

For years I kept Willow hidden away.  

Fear is the main motivator, especially considering how difficult it has been to take over leadership after the rogue attack that took my parents.  Even my sister felt the brunt of my paranoia, never leaving the territory and even staying inside the pack house unless with John, Cal, or myself.

"Hey... you okay?"

I met Olivia's sky blue eyes and saw only care and concern.  "Just... considering how much I've messed up.  How awful it was for me to not allow Kara or Willow to leave the pack." I admitted, leaning back on the couch.

She shook her head and sat up straighter, but kept her voice soft so Willow would not wake up.  "Alex?  Did you intentionally keep them here to hurt them?"

"Of course not."

"Was it so you could force them to do as you say without any reason."


Olivia smiled, "Did you do what you know in your heart was best at that time for the sake of not just your family, but the entire pack?"

I considered her question but nodded, a weight lifted from my heart.  "Thank you, Livvy... really."

She shrugged and stood, then reached down to scoop Willow into her arms.  "Let's get our girl tucked in."

Later that night I laid in bed with my newly marked mate, a sense of belonging I never anticipated coursing through me.

Liv let out a yawn and curled into my body then kissed my shoulder while her breathing evened out.

"You okay, love?" she asked as I turned to look into her eyes.

I nodded with a grin, "Never better.  You've already made me so happy."

The spot where her neck meets her shoulder was now imprinted with a scar that looked like a mountain range with a crescent moon and stars above.  When we noticed how our marks healed, Olivia commented that she had never seen one so beautiful.

It made me even more thankful the Moon Goddess allows mates matching marks.

Our bond hummed even brighter between us, every feeling that raced through her mind now available to me at will.  We agreed it was overwhelming but knew this was a way of protecting one another.  Usually an Alpha is responsible to guard his Luna, but in this case it may work the other way around.  Liv is even stronger now that we are officially mated.  Her wolf will grow in power as will mine.

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