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After enjoying a bit more fresh air it didn't take long for me to get Willow tucked in for her nap then head down to the office so I could start my master plan.

We never have picnics like this. Relaxing against a tree trunk in the shade while my daughter sleeps in my arms was just the break I needed to consider everything I have learned today. Olivia is an incredible woman that is already a mother figure to Willow. The more time we spend together, the stronger our bond grows.

When we mark one another that will be even more intense.

I called Liam in for a meeting along with Kara, Meg, and the guys so I could tell them what I wanted to do.

This is what I've waited years to experience. To have my mate in reach, building a relationship with the one person I know will understand me better than anyone else.

The fact that Olivia is drop dead gorgeous doesn't hurt.

Actions really do speak louder than words. It was pretty clear while I chatted with my mate earlier today that she leans toward assuming everything is a joke. Of course she could take things seriously if needed but I could feel the lack of confidence even when I complimented her.

There is more to the story that I will discover at some point. For now I have plans to make.

Meg joined us last, still yawning from her nap, and looked surprised but schooled her expression then stood to the side by Cal.  "What's going on, Alpha?"

"I have something I want to do for Olivia, but I need your help."

Liam sat up and smiled, "I'm in, whatever it is."

The rest of us chuckled at his eagerness, my heart warming before I began.

"So, something you don't know, Liam, is that I have a house... like, a house I built and made sure was ready when my mate arrived at my pack.  It has some furniture and appliances but of course I want Liv to feel comfortable there and will give her free rein. I want her to see the house tonight."

His eyes widened while Kara grinned.

I continued, "I need help getting things set up so I can take Olivia there later.  I was thinking we would have dinner here at the pack house then Kara, if you don't mind having Willow time, I can offer to take her on a walk around the pack.  Cal and John, I mostly just need a hand getting the place aired out.  The appliances are all unused, even though they're a few years old, so we can make sure everything is in working order as well. Liv and I agreed to take our time but at least this way she can start planning changes she may want to make and I can show her what I've been building for us all these years."

Meg raised her hand and offered, "I can get a couple laundry baskets set with cleaning supplies, towels, and sheets. Oh, and easy stuff they keep on hand for visitor cabins like dish soap and kitchen towels. That way it's staged at least, even if you don't stay there right this minute."

"Yeah, has Willow even been there?" Callum asked, looking around the room.  "I am sure Liv is super in tune with how big this change is for her."

"It's one of the first things she mentioned. How if we take our time getting to know each other that allows Willow to adjust more easily, too," I shared, feeling my heart race at how attentive my mate already is with my daughter.

Kara chuckled softly, "Yeah, that sounds like our Livvy."

"What can I do?"  Liam asked, sitting forward in his chair and steepling his fingers in front of his chest.

"Liam, would you be willing to grab a few groceries?  You know what Liv likes and I am sure she will want to do a full shopping trip when we get settled but at least we can have drinks and something easy ready to go. Nothing much, just basics and snack stuff as well as anything you know she'd appreciate." I chuckled then shared, "Liv was offering to make John's favorite meals earlier so I have the feeling she will appreciate having something on hand."

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