Homophobia? No thanks! (Buddie)

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Hello and welcome to a story of two men realizing they're not as straight as they thought they were but definitely as gay as they thought each other were. We begin our story like all good stories, in the middle.

After a long day out at the zoo with Christopher, Buck and Eddie flop onto Eddie's couch after putting him to bed, leaning on each other as they let out a sigh, tired but happy. Happy to see the kid that they both love so much, happy, happy to see the other happy, happy to have been able to spend the day together, just happy.

"Today was a good day!" Buck said leaning his head back.

"Yeah, thanks for coming with us. Chris really enjoys hanging out with you." Eddie says turning his body to look at Buck. "We... we both do. Plus it means less work for me when he tries to run off to the next exciting animal." He laughs.

Buck sits up and looks at Eddie, he smiles and looks down for a split second. "Yeah, I still can't believe they let us have a family ticket." He says in disbelief.

"Well... obviously we make a convincing couple because I've seen actual families get denied for one of those bad boys." Eddie jokes, causing Buck to blush slightly.

"Nah, I think they just recognized us as firefighters or maybe because they thought Chris was too cute!" Buck says playing with his hands.

"Nope, it's definitely because they thought we were together. They weren't the only ones, did you see the homophobic mom who covered her kid's eyes as they passed us? Imagine if she did that to an actual gay couple, how rude." Eddie says shaking his head.

"That's what she was doing? I thought... I don't know, that there was maybe something inappropriate behind us. But I guess it makes sense. That is very rude. It's kinda hurtful, to do that just because we are gay." Buck says frowning.

"Because she thought we were gay, you mean?" Eddie says tilting his head with a slight smirk.

"Uh, y-yeah...." Buck says looking down and blushing. He takes a deep breath and looks at Eddie. "But it doesn't matter what she thought it's still mean."

"Hey, it's ok Buck, at least she didn't do it to some people who are actually gay right? Plus we'll probably never see her again, so let's just ignore it and forget about her." Eddie puts his hand on Buck's shoulder, caringly looking into his eyes.

"R-right, it shouldn't affect us, we're not who she intended it for." Buck says.

Eddie nods and slides his hand over so he has his arm around Buck's shoulders, causing Buck to look away blushing.

"So, um, how about we watch some TV? I'm sure we could find something to watch." Buck says keeping his eyes on the blank TV screen.

"Hmmm, no, I think we're good." Eddie says smirking and looking at Buck's light red face.

Buck turns his head to look at Eddie confused. It takes a few seconds for him to realize Eddie was staring at him, faces mere inches apart. His face burns brighter as he just sits there, frozen, waiting for what's gonna happen next.

Eddie acts without thinking, slowly raising his loose hand to Buck's face, resting it there while staring into his eyes. He slowly leans forward, taking a breath before closing his eyes.

Buck still frozen, looks down at Eddie's lips before he too closes his eyes, holding his breath. A moment passes and nothing, Buck starts to open his eyes before he feels lips upon his. He takes a breath and relaxes into the kiss.

It was a short, soft kiss but they both still pull away breathless. They look at each other, surprised by what happened before turning away and laughing softly, still trying to understand what they had just done.

"So, Buckley, did you want to tell me something?" Eddie says looking at Buck smirking.

Buck looks up at the sky laughing nervously. "Uh............" He thinks for a bit, then he sits up straight looking forward before snapping his head toward Eddie. "Wait, no. You kissed me, not the other way around." Buck raises his eyebrow, slightly smirking.

Eddie avoids eye contact while nervously chuckling. "Yeah, ok. I don't know, it just happened. You seemed genuinely hurt that the lady was homophobic toward us. I guess I wanted you to know that she was wrong. It, it felt right." He says looking down, blushing while rubbing his neck.

"Plus you blushed when I first mentioned that people thought we were a couple." He says looking up.

"Uh, well, I...." Buck stutters.

Eddie chuckles. "Don't worry it's adorable."

Buck opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out, he looks down, trying to think of a reply.

"So since when have you been into guys?" Eddie questions.

"Uh, well, since when have you?" Buck asks shyly, slightly looking up at Eddie.

"Hmm? Well, I didn't think I was, that is until I met you. I kinda ignored it, like I was just confusing the feeling with admiration." Eddie says looking to the side before looking back at Buck, waiting for him to respond.

Buck smiles, then his face drops as he sighs. "I... I had been with a few guys, back when I was addicted to, well you know. Although I never got to know any of them, I didn't date any. I kinda just brushed it off as experimentation and addiction. I was attracted to them but not in a romantic way." Eddie puts his hand back on Buck's shoulder as Buck looks up at him.

"Hey, it's ok. That was back then, back before we met, you've changed. Plus you don't need to feel bad about it, about being with guys." He says softly smiling. "No matter what that mean Mom thinks." Buck chuckles and smiles.

Buck shoots forward embracing Eddie in a hug, basically knocking him back into the arm of the couch. Eddie laughs and wraps his arms around Buck, adjusting himself so he's lying comfortably with Buck on top of him. Buck nestles his face in the crook of Eddie's neck.

Eddie sighs, lightly kissing the top of Buck's head before resting his head on top of Buck's. They both close their eyes, not saying another word to each other before slowly drifting to sleep.

Little did they know, their biggest fan was watching them from the doorway smiling before going back to bed.

⚠️ Spoilers for season 5 finale. ⚠️

So I just finished season 5, and I needed to write something now that Buck and Eddie are both currently single, before the show ruins it by making Buck date Lucy.

I have shipped Buck and Eddie for so long, that I'm surprised I haven't written about them yet. I love seeing very close, caring, intimate straight friendships but there's just something about these two that isn't entirely straight.

I mean Buddie is literally the one ship my mum and I talk about the most together. They're so good for each other but so far in canon, nothing more than people making jokes or accidentally assuming they're together. Sad.

Also, this turned out cuter than I expected. I don't know why I made Buck the one that's all blushy and adorable.

Anyway, once again it is early morning and I need sleep.


Drew X

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