Buck Steps Up pt 3

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I place the key in the door, turning. I hear a click and open the door. As I close the door behind me, I take a deep breath. I look around at the apartment and feel the mustiness in the air.

"It's like it's been frozen in time." I say picking up an opened piece of mail and looking at the date on it. It's only been a few months but it feels crazy being back here.

I place my bag down and open the windows. I open the fridge and see it empty. I remember rushing back here to take anything I thought would go off back to the Diaz's place.

I sigh. "I'll just get takeout." I say to myself, picking up my phone and ordering the first fast-food joint I saw.

I put my phone down and look around at my apartment once more. 'My, apartment... Not really what it feels like anymore.'

I begin to clean up, throwing out any old food in the pantry and mail. Putting clothes away. Dusting a bit, cleaning leaves from the balcony.

I sit down with my food and switch on the TV. It's some game show but I don't really pay attention.

'I wonder what Chris and Eddie are doing?' I lean back.

I sigh and pick up my phone. I hover over Eddie's contact before scrolling past and clicking on Maddie's.

"Hey." I say once the phone connects.

"Hey Buck, what's up?" She says happily.

"Not to sound soft but I think my apartment is not for me anymore." I say wiping my face.

"What? What do you mean by that Buck?" She asks chuckling.

"I just... I don't feel at home here. It's my first day back here, from Eddie's. It just doesn't feel like mine anymore." I say trying to explain comprehensively.

"Ok. Look, I'm free tomorrow. This seems like it needs to be a face-to-face sibling talk. Chim says you're not back working yet, so let's go out for lunch tomorrow. I'll bring Jee and we can talk it out. Give you time to think it over, and we can work it out together." She says seriously, but caringly.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'll probably have an early night. See you two tomorrow." I say.

"Ok, I'll text you the details, good night Buck." She says softly.

"Good night Mads." I reply disconnecting.


"Hey, sorry we're late." Maddie says as she walks up to the table.

"Hey don't apologise. Let's go order." I say smiling at her and standing up.

We walk inside the cafe and order our food before walking back outside and taking a seat.

"So are you doing alright?" Maddie asks, placing Jee on her lap.

"Yeah, I guess so. I think I just got comfortable, living with them." I say waving at Jee's little doll that she was holding up to show me.

"Jumping right into that?" Maddie asks.

"I guess. That's why we're here, right?" I ask looking up at her.

"Ok, sure. Well, what made you feel comfortable living over there?" She asks.

"I don't know. Maybe the company. Eddie is my best friend and I love Chris with my whole heart. I felt needed." I say thinking about it.

"You are needed, Buck. We need you. Don't we Jee?" She comforts and looks down at her daughter.

Jee says a quick energetic "Yeah!" Before returning to her doll.

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