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In the corpse spire. V2 was sitting next to the terminal. The terminal was playing its classic tune "Take Care".


N who had just woken up from a nap accidentaly falls to the ground. Not noticing V2, he also crashes into him. N gets up after realizing he had just hit the red robot.


V2 however remained unresponsive, he was just sitting there, not moving a single joint. N started getting worried wondering if the robot was ok. Did he crash into him too hard?

N: V2?-
Uzi: N, I found something in here!

Inside the pod. V1 is inspecting it while Uzi is inspecting a symbol that is displaying on her screen. She is looking at her reflection before the mirror cracks. V1 turns around to see what happened.

V: That's weird and concerning.
Uzi: Bite me! This is probably you weirdo's fault!

V1 stands there confused as to what she is talking about. Uzi notices this and speaks to the machine.

Uzi: These weirdos did something to me! The symbol flashes once again See!

V1 notices this, despite Uzi showing him he was still pretty much clueles as to what that thing was.

V: I've never seen that symbol before. Wanna do an autopsy to find out?

V was trying to scare the drone but was quickly shut off as V1 aimed his Slab Piercer at her face.

V: Im kidding. You freaks take everything too seriously.

V said in her sarcastic tone. Speaking of which, V1 was able to buy back all his revolvers, shotguns and the first railgun variant. V2 also went on the cybergrind after his brother was finished. N appeared shortly afterwards.

N: What'd you find?

As N climbs down the ladder Uzi hits N on the head.

Uzi: Did you know that was a pilot hat?

N: I was the pilot? That's aweso-


N: I crashed and ruined everything... Spaceship Pilot: Origin Story.

N goes through a quick mental breakdown then one second later returns to his goofy self. V hisses, then calms herself by blowing bubbles out of a bubble blower she materialized in both of her hands. V1 was starting to think he was in a sitcom.

N: ...Speaking of piloting to Earth, we sure "murder all humans" is, uh, morality?

Uzi: The humans sent you without a communication relay and reformatted your memories to soup. Covering their tracks means their past negotiating. Not like tried negotiating with my mom...

Uzi looked at V1 after finishing her speech.

V1 noticed Uzi reffering to another parental figure. V1 was intrigued by this. What kind of robots are these? Their personalities are hard to consider AI, they act more like humans. V1 also noticed that wherever he is humans are still alive. V1 didn't really care as blood is blood and fuel and fuel, but from the looks of it Uzi was holding a grudge against these humans. He kept that in the back of his mind as he continued listening. V snapped at Uzi almost trying to jump at her but is held back by the chains. Uzi is startled by this.

V: Or you missed the negotiations!

V1 gets in between the two, pushing Uzi to the side a bit, pulling out his piercer just in case.

V: The humans programmed us to solve a problem. Where's proof of your backstory? The one where your kind's so conveniently innocent? She chuckles.

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