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The campers were frozen with shock and fear after witnessing what had unfolded infront of them, they looked to their counselors for some sort of reassurance, only to find them in the same situation, being just as lost as they were. V2 had went after Uzi, V1 was simply observing, and N was trying to prevent V from hurting Uzi. Despite his efforts, V kept moving forward.

N: V, we can't hurt Uzi!
V: We do our jobs, and that thing leaves us-
N: I don't know what you're talking about because you won't tell me! He shouts in frustration

The campers gasped in shock, not expecting such actions from the drone. Even V1 was surprised to see the usual cheery and joyful drone stand up for himself. But the one who was most shocked was V, she couldn't form any words as she never thought N would dare to do something like that.

She stared at him in disbelief. For the first time she saw the side of a more serious N, one that wasn't as feeble and fragile as she thought it would be.

N: What're you so afraid of!?
V: I'm not afraid...! She points her blade at him
N: he smacks it away I am! Uzi is! She's a kid, like us, V! What is WRONG with you!? His voice cracks while shouting

V's expression quickly changed to one of worry and anxiety.

N: sighs Look after the campers.

He tossed the clipboard to V but she doesn't catch it, leaving V1 to do it instead. N extends his wings and flies off to search for Uzi. Lizzy walks up next to V.

Lizzy: Hot. V is not amused Not hot? You're too good for him.

V turns to the other campers.

V: Do whatever you want.

She stomps off into the forest leaving V1 to deal with the campers. V1 had watched the whole thing play out. The situation was at a stalemate. He pondered for a moment, wondering what to do. He wanted to help N, who was clearly stressed. But on the other hand he couldn't leave the campers alone as their stupidity would most likely get them killed or injured.

After a moment, V1 decided the campers' safety was his first priority, he wanted to atleast find a safe place for them until he could locate the others. V1 could only hope that his brother had this under control in the mean time, he basically put Uzi's life in V2's hands. But despite knowing this was probably a bad idea, due to his brother's pissbaby attitude.

He decided to have some faith. Even though his brother was a thorn in the ass to deal with and was not really the sympathic type, he decided to look at it from a different point of view, seeing it as a learning opportunity for V2. V2 was a shithead, not caring about anyone but himself. But still, V1 still had hope that his brother could atleast show some concern for the first time.

He believed that V2 could be less of an asshole. As unlikely as it seemed, he believed his brother could be better. Besides, if V2 did anything to Uzi, V1 would just tear him apart without hesitation.

With his final decision in mind, V1 turned to the campers, who were blankly staring at him. But before he could gesture for them to follow him, he notices Braidon trying to steal another bow from an unaware classmate again.

Braidon is slowly reaching for the bow, he checks if anyone is watching. He looks up to see the yellow glow from V1's camera staring directly at him. Braidon's digital pupils dilate as he realized he'd been caught. He immideatly stood upright and nervously smiled at V1, trying to play it off.

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