Thanks + just talking about stuff

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Hello there, i just wanted to make this chapter to say thanks for reading as well as just talk about some stuff. I first wanna start of by showing this cool Blood Brothers fanart my friend drew for my birthday.

 I first wanna start of by showing this cool Blood Brothers fanart my friend drew for my birthday

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Bro look at V1 and V2, they look drippy as hell, especially V1. Can't thank my friend enough for the epic fanart. Shoutout to them. Anyways i just wanted to say thanks for 7k reads. This was originally just suppose to be another "When oil runs red" inspired fanfic but the fact people actually enjoy this shit suprises me. Ok now i want to get on a more important topic, im not going to go in any specific order though, im just gonna say what's on my mind.

After reading some other Ultrakill x Murder drones fanfics, i have realized that my writing skills, are shit.

By this i mean i don't really think my fanfic deserves any praise at all, the way i explain things is trash, my grammar is trash, etc.

Which is why in the following chapters im probably going to try and change my writing style a bit, it wont be anything special but i just want my story to be more readable and understandable.

Also there are some things that im just not satisfied with, after reading some of my previous chapters ive come to dislike how i wrote some of the fights. The one in particular i don't like is the Doll fight, and ive been thinking of rewritting it. Like it just felt too short and not really anything special. I mean to me it made sense that since the flames from the shotguns are not physical bullets they would be able to pass through Doll's barrier. But im starting to reconsider. If you guys could, please leave your opinion and suggestion because i can't really make up my mind.

Also the original ending i was going for chapter 8 was a bit different and im going to show it right now. But the reason i didn't keep this in is because i didn't feel like adding unneeded beef beetwen the robots. Anyways here it is, feel free to leave your opinion and what not, there are probably gonna be some grammatical errors here and there but this is scrapped text so it doesn't really matter:

"V2: You read my mind.


The Hideous Mass explodes into a pool of blood as V1 finnaly kills it.


N and Uzi land next to V1 after he had killed it.

N: H-hey Uzi, can we leave now?

N was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by all this simulation stuff.

Uzi: What? No freaking way! This is way too cool!

Uzi says enthusiastically, before turning to V1.

Uzi: Seriously, why didn't you guys tell me about this sooner?! This is 10 times better than the video game consoles i have back at home!

Uzi says in a excited tone, having the exact opposite reactions to N's. V1 shruggs in response to Uzi's question. V1 noticed Uzi was having quite the blast on the cybergrind. He found the little drone interesting with the way it was conveying its emotions and excitment. He couldn't help but even feel a little, happy? satisfied? V1 couldn't quite make out what it was, but he was still glad Uzi was enjoying herself. Giving a thumbs up to her remarks about the cybergrind.

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